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Calgary woman reunites with woman she says saved her life


A Calgary mother who is battling breast cancer and suffered a recent serious health scare got the opportunity to thank the stranger who she says saved her life.

Natalie Kwadrans was out walking her dogs in McKenzie Towne last week when she began to feel chest pain and was out of breath.

Natalie Imrach noticed Kwadrans sitting on a rock. She stopped and called 911. She comforted the mom of two until EMS arrived.

Kwadrans said doctors found a blood clot in her lung, blocking blood flow. It’s a condition that can be fatal.

From her hospital room, Kwandrans took to social media asking if anyone knew her ‘angel’ to thank her – and today, the two were reunited.

Calgarian Natalie Kwadrans is looking for a woman – also named Natalie - who stopped and called 911 for her.

“I know that Natalie still has a lot of health concerns but she looks healthier today, and she has energy today and she doesn’t appear to be in pain today," said Imrach.

“If you hadn’t stopped,” said Kwadrans, “And taken the time and not just to ask, “Are you OK?” I don’t know, you could have so easily said "OK: and gone away and said, “Just rest up,” and you go about your day.”

Kwadrans said if Imrach had not been there, she believes she would have tried to make it home, where she would have been alone. Top Stories

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