Alberta Health Services' (AHS) Chronic Cough Clinic continues to help people cope with chronic coughs.

Dr. Stephen Field, a respirologist at the Foothills Medical Centre, helped to establish the clinic in 2006.

"Many coughs are not life-threatening but they can be life-disabling," said Dr. Field.

A chronic cough is one that lasts more than four weeks. It is one of the most common reasons people see their family doctor and it can have a negative impact on all facets of a sufferer's life.

"Many people experience coughing so violent it leads to retching, vomiting and even incontinence. A large percentage has their sleep disrupted because they cough during the night," added Dr. Field.

Dr. Field and certified respiratory educator Diane Conley assess each patient. If they determine the cough is not a symptom of a serious medical condition, they work with the patient over the course of two months to find the most effective way to manage the cough.

"There's usually more than one reason why a patient is coughing. Most chronic coughs are caused by either minor upper airway conditions, mild forms of asthma, or acid reflux. Some chronic coughers have smoking-related bronchitis. Others cough as a side-effect of medications used to treat high blood pressure and heart failure," said Conley.

The clinic, which is the only one of its kind in the country, has reduced the wait lists to see a local respirologist from three months to 26 days. It serves 200 patients a year. To be seen at the clinic, you need a referral from your family doctor or a specialist. The clinic is located at the Foothills Medical Centre.