The blizzard has caused a significant amount of snow to accumulate on city streets within the past 24 hours so the city is declaring a city-wide Snow Route parking ban.

The ban will go into effect at  9:00 a.m. Wednesday, December 4.

Those people who are parked on designated Snow Routes are being advised to move their vehicles as soon as possible.

"We've received a lot of feedback over the last two years about the timing of when we call a parking ban, we heard that we were calling it too early, sometimes we were calling it too late. 9 a.m. seemed like a good time because people are on their way to work and it's just after the morning rush hour so we are also giving just about 24 hours notice for people to make alternate plans about where they're going to leave their car tomorrow morning," said Julie Yepishina-Geller from the City of Calgary Roads Department.

The city says vehicles that remain parked on designated routes are subject to enforcement including a parking tag and tow.

Snow Routes include major roadways, collector roads and most bus routes and are marked by blue signs with a white snowflake.

During a ban, parking is temporarily restricted on designated Snow Routes for up to 72 hours.

Click HERE for a map and full list of Snow Route locations.

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