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'I would do it all over again': Calgary couple celebrates 60 years of marriage


Calgarians Marion and George Edle celebrate their 60th wedding anniversary on Nov. 28.

The two met in Germany, where George was stationed with the Royal Canadian Army Service Corps. He says he spotted Marion across the dance hall at a fall festival just as a fight was breaking out.

"I didn't speak any German at that time, and she didn't speak any English," said George. "I took her by the hand, sat down at the other end of the hall while this altercation was going on, we had a drink and I tried dancing, which I'm not good at."

And the rest, according to Marion, is history.

"I would do it all over again, it is just a blast," she said. "I'm still having fun. When I came to Canada, I took to it like a fish to water, I loved it, I was never homesick."

The couple has two daughters, four grandchildren and three great grand children, and are extremely active in their community.

George has been retired for more than 20 years and has taken it upon himself to help educate other veterans about the government benefits they're entitled to.

"When you get out of the forces, it's 'sign this paper, have a medical, thank you very much, goodbye,'" he said.

"The government and Veterans Affairs don't just phone you and say, 'hey, you're entitled to this or that.' I look at local, provincial and federal programs, I look at Revenue Canada, as far as any tax breaks, and I try to inform as many veterans as I can."

Marion is in her 33rd year of volunteering at the Calgary Food Bank and spends Wednesdays sorting donations. She's also an avid knitter and crocheter and says her hands are never idle.

"I make animals for the Children's Cottage and the Ronald McDonald House," she said. "I make a bunch of hats for the homeless at the Mustard Seed and blankets for newborns at the hospitals and I've made 54 'twiddle' blankets for Alzheimer patients for when they get fidgety and they like to touch them."

Jeanette Rae has known the couple for 45 years and says they are an active, giving couple and inspiring to all those around them.

"I think what keeps them so young is that they are always thinking about other people," she said. "Marian tells me 'sometimes I have to pinch myself,' she said 'I'm so happy,' and I believe what makes her so happy is that she just thinks of other people all the time, so I'm trying to learn (from her)."

Rae says she's happy for her friends and their diamond wedding anniversary.

"That's a big deal 60 years together," she said. "I mean, the odds were against them, she came to a new country as a young bride and look how far they've come."

Marion says there is no secret she knows of for why the couple staying together for so long.

"I really don't know, you just go with the flow, just take it day by day," she said. "Sometimes you get mad at each other, then you wake up again and so you have to work at it."

George says Marion is full of energy and the happiest person he's ever known.

"Waking up every morning to a person that is happy, I mean that is priceless," he said. Top Stories

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