The mother and stepfather of a six-year-old girl are speaking out and looking for answers after police declared the little girl's death a homicide.

Meika Jordan, 6, died three weeks ago, just two days after she'd reportedly fallen down the stairs in her father and step-mother's home.

Police say the autopsy on the little girl shows that she died of blunt force trauma and that the injuries were too severe to have been caused by a fall.

Meika's siblings have now been removed from the home.

Her mother and stepfather say they need to know exactly happened to her.

"Right now, what is keeping me going from day to day is knowing that there is a number of wonderful detectives and investigators and medical examiners and people that I know are doing the very best job that they can do in order to finally get some kind of conclusion as to who actually did it. I know that they are doing everything in their power to find justice for my little girl and that's what really counts," said Kyla Guttman, Meika Jordan's mother.

Guttman says Meika and her brother had been caught up in a custody dispute earlier this year.

The kids were supposed to be with Guttman and her partner on the weekend Meika died but the couple says they allowed the kids to stay with their father instead because he said he wanted to spend more time with them.

Police say the investigation is still in its early stages and could take a while to complete.

A trust fund has been set up in Meika Jordan's name.

Donations can be made at any TD Canada Trust location in memory of Meika Dawn Jordan.

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