As Premier Rachel Notley is about to give her State of the Province address on Wednesday, a new study shows that support for her party appears to be faltering.

The poll, conducted by Lethbridge College’s Citizen Society Research Lab during the first week of October, places the PC Party in a substantial lead (38.4 percent) among decided voters.

The Wildrose have 25.7 percent while the NDP sits in third at 19.7 percent.

The poll also put the Liberals and Alberta Party in fourth and fifth, with nine percent and 3.5 percent respectively.

The results are a big turnaround from last year, where the NDP was found to be at the top among decided voters at 31 percent.

The study also asked about support for uniting the PCs and the Wildrose.

66 percent of respondents say they would like to see the two parties let bygones be bygones and Unite the Right.

34 percent don’t like the idea.

The poll also found that each party’s voters strongly supported the idea, with 79 percent of PCs and 81.9 of Wildrose supports in favour of bringing the parties back together.

Premier Rachel Notley will be delivering the State of the Province address in Calgary on Wednesday.

She is scheduled to speak at the Jack Singer Concert Hall at 12:30 p.m.

We will be livestreaming her address as it happens.

You can view Lethbridge College's poll below: