It was a wild and frightening scene in the northwest community of Hawkwood on Wednesday when a Pitbull attacked another dog and was then tasered by police.

The attack happened after a Pitbull and a German Shepherd escaped from their yard.

The Pitbull went after a Boxer-Bloodhound cross, named Rudy that was walking off leash with his owner.

Rudy’s owner, Roger Cole, tried to stop the attack by hitting the Pitbull with a stick but the dog would not let go of its grip

Cole was able to pin the dog until police arrived. Officers deployed a taser but the dog would still not go down.

"At this point, they deployed a taser and tasered the Pitbull. It was effective to a certain extent and then the officers had to go on and basically wrestle the Pitbull down and get it under control," said CPS Duty Inspector, John McCarthy.

Cole says the dog was very aggressive and is concerned about the safety of his neighbourhood.

“They should be banned in residential areas for the protection of many,” said Roger Cole.

Cole was uninjured in the attack. Rudy was taken to the vet and will recover from puncture wounds.

The Pitbull was taken to Animal and Bylaw Services and remains in the impound facility.