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Alberta reports death of child under age 2 due to COVID-19


The province has made a heartbreaking announcement that a child under the age of two has died due to COVID-19.

Chief Medical Officer of Health Dr. Deena Hinshaw reported the death during Tuesday's regular media update, saying the child had “complex pre-existing medical conditions” which played a significant role.

Hinshaw emphasized that the child’s medical history does not diminish the tragic loss.

The child’s death is the first to be reported since the province announced it would be changing the way it announces deaths of people under the age of 18.

In October, Hinshaw apologized after incorrectly reporting that a 14-year-old had died from the virus.

The province now only report deaths after an investigation has been completed to confirm the cause.

Hinshaw announced 253 new cases on Tuesday and said there are now 475 people in hospital, including 94 in ICU.

Alberta has now moved past the peak of the fourth wave, according to Premier Jason Kenney, who noted that in September, there were 266 people in ICU. Top Stories

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