Provincial officials are being questioned about whether their multi-million dollar promotion at the 2010 Winter Olympic was worth it.

The provincial government invested $14-million selling itself in Vancouver at "Alberta House".

Every day at the games, Alberta House poured on the western hospitality to thousands of Olympic visitors.

Funds also went to the "Alberta Train".

The province teamed up with Rocky Mountaineer Vacations offering premiere train service between Vancouver and Whistler during the Olympics.

The province hopes its Olympic promotion will generate around $70-million worth of national and international media coverage through things like feature articles in newspapers from around the world written by reporters who visited Alberta House and rode the Alberta Train.

Alberta Tourism Minister, Cindy Ady says she doesn't have a final tally yet, but she's optimistic the province's profile in Vancouver will pay off.

"We had the Wall Street Journal on the train. I can't think of a piece of media that did not approach me during the games and ask if they could participate. We feel we got the lift we were looking for. We had major tourism operators from across the world," commented Ady.

Ady says the train cost the government $4-million to use, however the province was able to sell private cars to businesses and recoup about $2-million of that which means the Alberta Train cost taxpayers $2-million.