Authorities have arrested an 18-year-old man in connection with an incident where he allegedly filmed members of a youth swim club while inside the change room at a Lethbridge pool.

Investigators with ALERT's Internet Child Exploitation Unit arrested the suspect at the pool on March 22, shortly after the incident reportedly took place.

The victims range in age from five to 18 years old.

The ICE Unit was notified about the incident after pool staff members and University of Lethbridge Security Services noticed the suspicious behaviour.

The investigation is ongoing and the suspect is expected to be charged with voyeurism, possession of child pornography, accessing child pornography and making child pornography.

A search warrant was also executed at the suspect’s home on March 23, where investigators ended up seizing a number of computers and electronic devices for forensic examination.

The suspect has not been identified, but remains in custody and is scheduled to appear in court on Friday afternoon.