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Calgarians call for an end to 'unnecessary and inappropriate' restrictions protests


Many of the protesters who spend their Saturdays screaming about health measures, masks, Justin Trudeau and vaccines are fed up.

And many Calgarians say they're fed up with the protesters.

Saturday marked another day of excessive noise, blocked roads and limited parking in the Beltline.

But it's not vehicular inconveniences that are getting under the skin of those who live nearby. It's something a little more worrisome, according to area councillor Courtney Walcott.

"I've heard of kids being followed down the street, being beaked at by protesters for wearing a mask," he told CTV News. "I've heard stories of people getting their masks ripped off their face, arguments happening when people are trying to enter businesses. It's unnecessary and inappropriate."

Walcott says he'd like to clamp down on some of the more outlandish behaviour. That starts, according to the Ward 8 councillor, with a simple call or click.

"Get in touch with 311," he said. "We need to make sure that we have that record so that whatever is within the municipal powers, we have the evidence to make sure we have a reason to follow through."

Walcott wants any residents experiencing abuse, excessive noise or vandalism to report it to the city.

He says it'll make it easier for the city to go after individuals who are breaking the law or to seek out a noise injunction similar to Edmonton's.

As some frustrations boil over, it's safe to assume area phones will be picked up.

"I hate them," resident Cait Reynolds said. "They're making me feel stronger about not lifting restrictions, actually."

"(They came up to me and yelled) 'you're a sheep,'" said Bas, another Beltline resident. "I'm just sitting here drinking my milkshake. You're not winning my heart.

"They should find some better hobby."

One 17th Ave. pub closed its patio last weekend in response to the protest.

A heavy police presence surrounded it Saturday.

A union representing health-care workers says those at the Sheldon Chumir Health Centre are also unhappy with the protests and subsequent marches.

The union says security measures had to be increased at the centre because workers were being harassed. Top Stories

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