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Calgary charity distributes water to Bowness residents after water main break disrupts community

Calgary charity Guru Nanak Free Kitchen handed out hundreds of bottles of water Friday in Bowness, where a major water main break has disrupted the community. The group will be back in Bowness Sunday, handing out more water and free groceries. (Photo: Facebook/Guru Nanak Free Kitchen) Calgary charity Guru Nanak Free Kitchen handed out hundreds of bottles of water Friday in Bowness, where a major water main break has disrupted the community. The group will be back in Bowness Sunday, handing out more water and free groceries. (Photo: Facebook/Guru Nanak Free Kitchen)

One Calgary charitable organization has already stepped up to help in Bowness, where a major water main break took place Wednesday.

Friday afternoon, Guru Nanak Free Kitchen Calgary volunteers distributed five skids of water to area residents.

Ward 5 councillor Raj Dhaliwal took to Facebook to thank the group.

“I want to extend my heartfelt gratitude to the Gurunanak Freekitchen for their incredible support in delivering five skids of water to the residents affected by the recent water main break in Bowness,” Dhaliwal wrote.

“Your kindness and swift action in our time of need are deeply appreciated.

“In times of crisis, Calgarians have always stepped up to help their fellow citizens, and Ward 5 has been a shining example of this spirit.”

Guru Nanak Free Kitchen later posted on their page that they are returning to Bowness Sunday afternoon to distribute free bottled water and free food at the Bowness Community Association, at 7904 43 Avenue N.W.

 “We are coming with lots of water and free groceries,” they posted. “(What) we are doing is nothing more than a drop in the ocean.” Top Stories

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