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'He's here to collect stories of community spirit': Elf on the Shelf spreads holiday joy in southern Alberta village


The village of Stirling, Alta. has come up with a new way to connect its residents this holiday season, by asking them to find a life-sized stuffed elf and pose for a photo with him using the hashtag #StirlingScout.

Buddy the Stirling Scout has been appearing in various locations all over the village.

The giant elf came to life when the village wanted to create a way for families to connect safely during COVID-19.

Buddy the Stirling Scout has been popping up all over the village of Stirling in southern Alberta.Mayor Trevor Lewington says buddy’s arrival couldn't have come at a better time.

“The pandemic has been super hard on everybody," Lewington said. "It’s been tough not being able to socialize in sort of the traditional ways."

“This was just a way to get people out and about interacting with their neighbours in a safe, distanced way, and hopefully just have a little bit of fun.

"We all need a little bit of uplifting.”

Lewington also wants to remind everyone that Buddy has no tricks up his sleeve.

“He's here to collect stories of community spirit and good stories about our community, and so there’s no tricks, nothing scary, no kids need to be afraid,” he told CTV News.

“It’s all about just finding him in fun places around and making sure they get their picture taken with him.”

However, Buddy is always getting up to something.

Whether its showing up at the local school to surprise the children or hanging out at the local fire station, it appears the goal of spreading joy this holiday season in Stirling is working.

Buddy the Stirling Scout has been popping up all over the village of Stirling in southern Alberta.“We're such a small community, there’s just not a lot to do, especially in the winter time, so something like this has just brought joy to not just the kids, the adults also have fun finding him,” said Stirling resident Devynn Bone.

“Its fun to see all the hashtags on Facebook and see all the pictures pop up of him. I think it’s just brought some joy in what’s kind of a crappy time of year right now.”

Children aren’t the only ones in the small southern Alberta community that are enjoying the giant elf; parents are also getting in on the search for Buddy as well using social media.

“Well, we just go out looking for him, and our mom looks through Facebook a lot. Too much,” said one local kid.

Those looking to catch Buddy and pose for a picture with him can do so until Christmas Eve, and by using the hashtag #StirlingScout on Facebook where you’ll be entered to win a prize.

Mayor Lewington also mentioned Buddy will be keeping a close eye on locals before returning to the North Pole. Top Stories

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