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New Lethbridge website helps connect volunteers with sports organizations

Lethbridge Sport Council, with funding from the government of Canada Community Services Recovery Fund, have launched the sport volunteer hub initiative. Lethbridge Sport Council, with funding from the government of Canada Community Services Recovery Fund, have launched the sport volunteer hub initiative.

A new website is helping connect volunteers with sport organizations in need of coaches and volunteers.

Lethbridge Sport Council, with funding from the Government of Canada Community Services Recovery Fund, have launched the sport volunteer hub initiative.

The website has up-to-date postings from organizations looking for help and volunteers.

Those involved say having to manually navigate each website for opportunities can create barriers, which this initiative hopes to remove.

“A lot of volunteers right now are just parents and a lot of parents, they love to volunteer,” said Will Sharpe, the community coordinator for the Lethbridge Sport Council, "but they just want to show up to the sporting event and watch their son or daughter play.”

“So, right now the demand is very high for volunteers and we hope that the website will make it a lot easier for volunteers to sign up.”

Those interested can visit the website at Top Stories

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