A 36-year-old Lethbridge man has been charged with two counts of assault in connection with an altercation at a youth hockey tournament on Sunday.

Lethbridge Police Service officials confirm Todd William Cross Child surrendered to police on Monday evening and was subsequently charged. Cross Child has been released from custody ahead of his scheduled court appearance on Wednesday, October 9.

Police responded to the ATB Crossings Ice Centre on Sunday afternoon following an incident involving an on-ice official and a 10-year-old player. According to LPS, the boy and the ref were involved in a heated discussion that led to the player striking the ref twice with his stick and the ref pushing the boy to the ice. Several adults, including relatives of the boy and members of his team's coaching staff, stepped onto the ice surface and confronted the ref.  The referee was punched several times and an opposing coach was shoved.

Robert Farrell Creighton, 55, of Standoff, Alta. was arrested at the arena and charged with assault. Creighton confirmed to CTV that the 10-year-old boy is his grandson.

The Lethbridge Police Service says no additional charges are expected in connection with the matter.