A black duffle bag containing dozens of indigenous drums that was stolen out of a van last week has been found and returned to the artist.

Chantal Chagnon put out a plea to the public on Thursday after 30 drums in a bag were removed from her vehicle while it was parked along Dalhart Road N.W. on May 8th.

The drums are used by Chagnon at marches, rallies and educational events.

On Saturday, Chagnon released a statement saying most of the drums had been recovered by Calgary police after they were found by a resident who was working in his yard over the noon hour.

“Had it not been for the amount of sharing and coverage, I’m not sure they would have ever been found. I am so thankful to everyone for bringing my babies home in time for Mother’s Day,” she wrote in the statement.

She says some drums, rattles and a ceremonial knife are still missing but that she is grateful that the majority have been returned.