Calgarians with ties to Chile continued their effort to raise $100,000 for a devastated region of their homeland with a telethon.

This weekend, community members gathered at the Chilean Canadian Community Association of Calgary in the northeast to collect pledges to rebuild fire-ravaged sections of Chile.

Recent wildfires in the South American country have claimed 11 lives and destroyed more than 1,500 homes. Thousands of people, including firefighters from more than a dozen countries, have seen success in their battles against the more than 150 fires that have claimed more than 1.5 million acres of land.

“The major fires, they’re under control,” said Jaime Calderon, a member of the Chilean Canadian Community Association of Calgary. “Two tankers, one from Russia and one from the United States, have been in there. One of them left after a month and the Russian plane will leave pretty soon.”

According to Calderon, the wrath of the Chilean wildfires is nearly double the size of the area impacted by the 2016 wildfires in-and-around Fort McMurray, Alberta.

The 48-hour telethon began Friday evening and included volunteers from Calgary as well as Edmonton.

“The funds that are being collected are going to a construction company in Chile to put up emergency shelters for the people in the most affected zones.”

The association is calling the fundraising effort a success and a final tabulation of this weekend’s donations will be released in the coming days.

A similar donation collection drive will be held next weekend in Edmonton.