Who: Canadian Bar Association

What: 32nd Annual Law Day

When: Saturday, April 26, 2014 from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.


Where: Calgary Courts Centre (601 - 5 Street S.W.)


Why: Law Day is a FREE, fun, family-friendly and informative event, promoting access to justice for those who are curious about the court system, for families who are seeking a FUN activity day or students interested in legal work.

The 32nd annual Law Day activities include:

· Tours of the Court House, including a state-of-the-art high security courtroom and prisoner cells;

· Calgary Police Service “Real life” CSI demonstrations;

· Fun, interactive demonstration trials presented by volunteer lawyers and Court House staff, including “GLEEfully paying your taxes”, “Batman vs. Robin” and “Merlin the Magician v Hairy Porter”;

· Courts Centre Security display of confiscated items including guns, knives, brass knuckles, a belt with a built-in blade, drug paraphernalia, and ninja stars;

· Stampeders Ralph the Dog mascot custody trial (His mom wants him to live with her in Edmonton but his dad wants him to stay in Calgary);

· Tours of the Sheriff’s traffic vehicle, prisoner escort van, CheckStop Bus;

· Share the excitement as 75 new Canadians are sworn in at the Citizenship Court;

· Ask a Lawyer / So You want to be a Judge / Ask a Clerk;

· Over 50 information booths and exhibits representing law‑related services, including Canada Border Services with sniffer dog, Calgary Police Service Victim Assistance and Organized Crime Units, STARS, and Pro Bono Law Alberta.

Visit www.lawdayalberta.com or call (403) 218-4310 for more information. Twitter: @CBAAlberta