Two Alberta fly fishing guides have returned home following a filmmaking trip in the Middle East and are preparing to reveal another side of the region that’s known more for conflict and unrest.
Following two years of research and preparation, Dana Lattery and Tim Hepworth found themselves as fish out of water in Oman but they were able to communicate with the locals through their common love.
“They might do it was a hand line and we bring these funny long sticks and chuck flies that they don’t understand anything about,” said Hepworth,” but in the end, if you can put it in a fish’s mouth and hold that fish, it’s the same language.”
“The places that fly fishing can take you, whether it’s about the fish or people, it’s just one of those things that …why else would we travel halfway across the world other than to catch some fish?” asked Lattery. "I think that’s pretty cool.”
Lattery, a photographer, has started the process of turning his footage from the trip into a film that emphasizes the warm hospitality and incredible saltwater fishing they encountered in Oman.
With files from CTV's Bill Macfarlane