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Alberta Pension Plan town hall set for Calgary area residents


Former provincial treasurer, Jim Dinning, will host another Alberta Pension Plan engagement panel Thursday night, this time targeting residents in Calgary and area.

In September, the province released a third-party report, which describes how an Alberta Pension Plan could work.

The report states Alberta is owed $344 billion if it leaves the Canada Pension Plan (CPP), which is 53 per cent of the national fund.

The federal government contests this number, and has the chief actuary investigating what Alberta's portion is.

Economists in the CPP investment board have estimated the number is closer to the 16 to 23 per cent range.

Premier Danielle Smith has said Albertans will have the final vote with a non-binding referendum.

This is the third of five telephone town halls, with the others asking other Alberta communities their opinions about the idea.

To pre-register for tonight's town hall you can visit

You can also stream the panel live at the same website.

The town hall runs from 6:30 to 8 p.m. Top Stories

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