Anyone driving by Currie Barracks will notice the big top for the third Cirque Du Soliel production.

Corteo opens on July 31st, but on Wednesday a team of 63 transport trucks began arriving.

Along with the trucks came the human power of 80 men and women who worked all day to erect the big top. Some of the workers are part of Corteo's staff but many others are Calgarians hired for the task.

The big top, or grand chapiteau, consists of 18 pieces of thick flame retardant vinyl which was made in Bordeaux, France.

Eloi Jomphe is in charge of putting up the grand chapiteau and says the set-up is the best part of his job. "It's always an excitement to move on to the next city - new things, new people to work with. I can't wait to put it back up again," says Jomphe.

In advance of the first performance, 2,700 seats will be brought in to fill the tent.

Nine performances of Corteo will be staged every week at Currie Barracks, in the southwest, until the end of August.