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Blood services centre to get new home when Eau Claire Market location closes in May

Canadian Blood Services in Eau Claire Market still needs to fill 2600 appointments by the end of March Canadian Blood Services in Eau Claire Market still needs to fill 2600 appointments by the end of March

Calgary blood donors will soon have to get used to a new location to donate the gift of life – as time ticks down on Canadian Blood Services’ current location.

The donor centre in Eau Claire Market is closing because the mall is slated to be demolished this summer to make way for the LRT Green Line.

The new location will be in the east tower of Penn West Plaza, located at 207 9th Avenue S.W.

The new location, in Penn West Plaza on Ninth Avenue, opens May 27

Designated complimentary parking will be available for donors just a five minute walk from the new centre, which opens May 27.

Donations are still greatly needed at the Eau Claire location before moving.

“We’re encouraging everybody to actually still donate,” said Canadian Blood Services community development manager Jhoanna Del Rosario. “And continue donating here at the Eau Claire location until we move. We still have 2,600 open appointments that need to be filled by the end of March, so please book your appointments.”

The donor centre will only be closed for one Saturday between closing its Eau Claire location and reopening at Penn West Plaza. Top Stories

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