Christmas is getting closer and many charities are feeling the pinch as demand is skyrocketing and donations are dwindling, one Calgary group is working to make sure everyone involved gets what they need.

The Inn from the Cold says it has a small surplus of toys and other items from their campaign this year so they’re using it to help out other charities that don’t have enough to go around.

The boxes of toys were shared by the Magic of Christmas organization, Hospice Calgary, the Salvation Army and the Women’s Centre.

Volunteers with those organizations say that every donation they get allows them to help meet the needs of people throughout the city.

They say demand has soared, sometimes by upwards of 60 percent.

Unfortunately, donations are way down so that’s why the Inn from the Cold pitched in to help.

“I think we’ve been pretty good we made sure we’ve set aside what we will need, but we do have donors coming between now and Christmas that have been supporting us year after year,” said Janeen Webb with the Inn from the Cold. “There is a football team out there called the Gators that will be dropping by shortly with their gifts.”

Webb said the Inn from the Cold serves all kids across the community and if there is a possibility that a child will wake up on Christmas with nothing, that isn’t okay with them.

While the donations are a huge help, charities say that donations are still needed between now and Christmas as more and more people are in need of assistance every single day.

If you wish to receive a toy hamper from the Salvation Army, call 403-410-1158. To donate, send an email to