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Outdoor workers doing best to stay cool despite heat wave

Most people will do everything they can to stay inside or find some shade during this heat wave but for some that just isn't an option. Most people will do everything they can to stay inside or find some shade during this heat wave but for some that just isn't an option.

Most people will do everything they can to stay inside or find some shade during this heat wave but for some, that just isn't an option.

Roofers don't have the easiest of jobs even on the best of days but when the temperature reaches above 30 C, it gets that much tougher.

During heat waves, roofers will start their days earlier to stay as cool as possible.

"We kind of change our schedule up a little bit. We're starting early, around 6:30 (a.m.), and we work until around 1 (p.m.)," said Valdrin Jashari, senior manager at Integrity Roofing.

"One day, we'll be ripping off the shingles and be prepping it just so it's waterproof overnight."

Employees at Green Haven Garden Centre spend much of their day outside, too, taking care of plants and helping customers.

They're being encouraged to drink water and stay in the shade to avoid heat stroke and sunburns.

"We just make sure that everyone's really hydrated. We have bottled water for everybody here and cold treats in the freezer for break time. We're lucky to have some roof overhangs here, which provide some shade for our staff," said Dustin Napper, a horticulturist at Green Haven Garden Centre.

Just because an employee might head inside doesn't mean they'll have a chance to cool off.

The greenhouse may be mostly emptied out for the season but it can still get hot despite fans and vents.

"The greenhouse does get pretty warm in the weather like this. We're fortunate to have automated vents in there and we try to keep it as temperature-controlled as we can," Napper said.

Staying hydrated is crucial to being able to work outside in a heat wave and the team at Integrity Roofing has a secret weapon:

They make sure to load up on watermelon.

"We've been eating a lot of watermelon. That's been keeping us hydrated, giving us some electrolytes. But it's been good, we like the heat," Jashari said.

Those who work outside will have to endure the heat a little while longer.

Temperatures aren't expected to drop below 30 C until next week. Top Stories

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