For many people who celebrate Christmas, seasonal music is an integral part of the annual tradition. Kathy Seibel, the music director at Central United Church, is doing her part to spread holiday cheer.

Each year, hundreds of people from different denominations as well as non- church goers, crowd into one of Calgary's oldest churches for its renowned Christmas musical.

“Christmas brings people together and their emotions, they're all kind of from the heart,” said Seibel. “They're not just singing a bunch of words on a page, they're actually singing from the heart more than any other time of the year.”

“One of the things about the choir that I love is that we open it up to people from the community.”

The choir is built around a core of people from Central United including Lori Bazin, who has been a member for a number of years. Bazin says she continues to be inspired by Seibel's musical knowledge, passion and patience.

“We're a motley crew to say the least,” said Bazin. “No professionals involved so we try her patience.”

“She definitely has a passion and her direction is clear and she'll go over it as many times as we need.”

Seibel’s involvement in Calgary's music scene stretches beyond the walls of Central United. Seibel is very involved with the Youth Singers of Calgary. Her time with the organization began seventeen years ago as an accompanist but she has moved from behind the piano to directing some of the choirs.

“I'm involved with the senior high division and then also I'm the director of  second chants, a show choir of adults, kind of my age, younger and older and we are all there just to make music and have fun,” explains Seibel.

For all she does to help Calgary’s singing community and spread festive cheer, Kathy Seibel is this week's Inspiring Albertan.

With files from CTV's Darrel Janz