The 2015 Citizen Satisfaction Survey shows that despite the downturn, 86% of Calgarians say their quality of life is good. However, 25% feel life has worsened in the past three years, up 5% from 2014.

The city released the results of the survey today.

Infrastructure, traffic and roads remain the top concern, while transit is a close second. Calgarians want the city to invest in more transit, affordable housing, traffic flow management and transportation planning.

The survey also focused specifically on the economy for the first time, and shows that the downturn is weighing heavily on people’s minds.

57% of Calgarians say it has impacted their household.

75% think it’s a good time for the city to invest in new projects like roads, public transportation and local of calgary

The city uses the survey to stay in touch with citizens and identify areas for improvement, but you can give your opinion any time by logging on to Citizen’s View.