Meet one of Calgary’s most unique runners, Mark Segarra.

His footwear is what makes him unique and he is one of only four barefoot runners in the city.

He's been doing this for only three years and runs without shoes because he felt pain in his knees when he ran with them on.

“After a week I had enough so I went online and researched injury free running and I came across barefoot running so I said it makes sense to me. So one day I gave it a try and after a few miles it feels good like wow! It was heaven,” said Segarra.

Segarra now competes barefoot and his first big event was the 10K run at the Calgary Marathon.

Since then, he has run eight half marathons, seven on bare feet, and three full marathons.

“My advice is just take it slow.  Just take it slow, you know, go for a run for maybe a few yards and then gradually increase. This is what I did before,” said Segarra.

In the winter he wears minimal shoes and between working two jobs runs every day.

The 23-year-old's next goal is to qualify for the Boston Marathon.

“For me running is a way for me to relieve stress, you know, it’s my, when I’m having a bad day, just go for a run, ya that’s it!”

Congratulations Mark Segarra, you are the CTV Calgary Athlete of the Week this week.