As of Friday afternoon, Lethbridge residents and businesses are no longer under a boil water order following an overwhelming show of support for the city’s water conservation request.

The lifting of the order ends a two day state of emergency in Lethbridge, Coalhurst, Coaldale and Picture Butte which was prompted by increased turbidity in the Oldman River, which feeds the region’s water supply, and the subsequent decision to temporarily close the water treatment plant.

Drinking water has returned to an acceptable water quality standard. Residents may notice a different taste or odour when drinking tap water, but the water is safe for human consumption.

During the water conservation effort:

  • Hundreds of workers in the industrial area have been off the job since the state of emergency and boil water order were imposed
  • Residents were asked not to wash their vehicles
  • Residents were asked to limit their use of water
  • The city asked car washes to temporarily close
  • Larger industries were asked to scale back their water usage
  • Chinook Regional Hospital rescheduled a number of surgeries because staff members were unable to properly sterilize medical equipment
  • The Holy Spirit School Board turned off the water supply to its drinking fountains and asked students and staff to bring their own drinking water
  • Maple Leaf Pork shut down most of its operations along with Cavendish Foods and Sunrise Farms, a large Poultry operation. More than 450 workers were off the job at the Sunrise Plant alone. 

Initially, the boil water advisory was expected to remain in place through the weekend.

The city has reopened all Lethbridge pools and arenas, including the curling rink. Residents are advised to call the centres to confirm hours of operation.