Two garages and a home under construction in the northeast were damaged in an early-morning fire Friday.

Fire crews were called to the 300 block of 30th Avenue N.E. about 4:30 a.m. where they found the two garages on fire, along with fencing on either side of the properties.

An adjoining residence, which was also under construction and not occupied, was also damaged, along with neighbouring homes.

Sharon Kaytar lives next door and was woken up by her brother, who saw the flames.

“He saw this big glow and he looked out the kitchen window at first because he thought maybe it was the police with the HAWCS helicopter looking for somebody, then he came and called me and said, ‘You better get up, the garage is on fire next door,” she said.

“Cinders were flying over the house, they were coming and landing on our porch. I’ve never seen a fire like that, it was just right engulfed, the whole thing was totally orange, the whole thing was burned right up.”

Another neighbour, Irene Miles, said she was evacuated for a short time after seeing an orange glow.

“We got everything ready with our shoes on,” she said.

“And the fire department told us we should leave.”

Nine area residents were displaced while fire crews worked.

Fire investigators are now searching for a cause.

(With files from CTV Calgary's Mark Villani)