The warning period for cyclists speeding on the city's pathways is over.

Bylaw officers will be on the pathways around the city enforcing the rules and ticketing offenders.

Since June, officers have passed out hundreds of brochures and free bells and have written 300 - 400 warnings to cyclists for travelling at speeds in excess of the posted limit or for failing to warn others when passing.

The initiative was taken in response to citizen complaints about unsafe cycling practices on the pathways.

The city bylaw for pathways and cyclists includes:


- The speed limit along the pathways is 20 kilometers per hour, unless otherwise posted.

- Respect the rights of others.

- Stay to the right except when passing.

- When on a bicycle, use a bell, whistle or horn when passing others.

- Yield to the right of way.

- Stay on the right side of the pathway.

- Everyone, including walkers and joggers, must be visible to other pathway users.


- If under the age of 18, wear a CSA, ATM or Snell-approved helmet.

- Make sure your bike is equipped with a bell or horn, a red taillight, white headlight and red rear   wheel reflectors.

Officers are setting up laser guns to record speeds and will issue fines between $50 and $500 to offenders.

For a complete list of pathway bylaws click on the link.