CALGARY -- A documentary film about fly fishing in Oman made by a pair of Calgary anglers is set to premier Friday.
Nine Foot Rod tells the story of Dana Lattery and Tim Hepworth's trip to Oman in February, where along with fishing in new waters, they learned about the local culture.
The film plays at 7 p.m. Friday during the International Fly Fishing Film Festival at Canyon Meadows Theatre in southeast Calgary, and again Jan. 16, also at 7 p.m.
"Running head first into a stigma that demonizes their destination, the crew face their fears with honesty and vulnerability; searching for a greater understanding of the region and its people," reads an online description of the film.
Before heading overseas, Lattery said he only knew about Oman what he'd seen on television — that it was dangerous and a hotbed for war and terrorism.
But their experience couldn't have been more different.
"Everybody, in town, in the cities, they just wanted to serve you," he said. "You'd walk down the street and people would bring you in for coffee."