Calgary is often referred to as “Texas North” because of its close relationship with cities in that state due to ties in the oil industry.

The catastrophic flooding in the Houston area is creating a new bond.

Former Calgarians living in communities around Houston are opening up their homes and offering a dry place for those whose homes are taking on water.

Chris Humphreys and his family moved to Texas in 2008 just before Hurricane Ike hit.

The opened their home to their neighbours, the Hoppers, after their home started taking in water.

“Their street was flooded when they left and so they went out for a walk and it was kind of waist deep  at the time. It fell a little bit so that they could get out so that’s what they were facing and then overnight they got a little bit of water into their house,” says Humphreys.

Like other cities in South Texas, Harvey hit Katy, Texas hard; destroying building and the constant rains has been filling the streets.

The Humphreys have a pool and they’ve been watching anxiously as the rain fills it.

 If the pool overflows, it could flood their home but so far just a couple of close calls.

“We definitely started paying attention Monday,” says Nancy Humphreys. “I made a lot of trips to the grocery store over those days in hopes that we had enough to get the three of us through then we ended up taking in five more people we are very thrilled to be able to shelter right now.”

The Humphreys just learned that another family has made it out of their home and will come and stay with them.

If that third family arrives, the Humphreys home will be packed with 14 people and two dogs.

Calgarian Rob Howard is going to law school in downtown Houston

“I know some friends have had their power cut off in their buildings. The elevators are shut off in my building and some have the parking garages flooded,” says Howard.

He says authorities are telling them to stay bunkered down in their apartments and not to commute if they can avoid it.

The Red Cross in Calgary is standing by to help expats and Texans who need it but so far they haven’t been asked for any aid.

(With files from Brad MacLeod)