Residents of Irvine are still dealing with the huge mess left behind by flooding earlier this month.

To add insult to injury, they are still waiting for money from the province while their neighbours in Saskatchewan are already getting financial support.

Kim Kramer is still cleaning up his home in Irvine and says he hasn't heard from anyone about disaster assistance. "We put our name on a list with the county but we haven't heard anything back," says Kramer.

The story is echoed just down the street at the Spinks-Bystalko residence.

Joanne Spinks says she's been given the runaround trying to get help. "The Red Cross sends me to the flood line; the flood line sent me to the city clerk; the city clerk says ‘no, you don't live in Medicine Hat,' and sends me back to Cypress County who suggests I phone the Red Cross."

Further down the highway, and across the provincial border, the Saskatchewan government is already making preliminary disaster assistance payments.

Resident in Irvine are questioning why the Alberta government can't do the same thing.

"We're supposed to be this rich, oil province that looks after things and we're well organized. Well organized at what," questions Spinks.

A bit of help did arrive on Canada Day. That's when the Red Cross and Cypress County opened a disaster response centre at the Irvine Sports Complex.

"People are having trouble with buying food, clothing, shelter, clean water, anything that a family might feel is their basic need. We're here to assess and provide assistance," says Tracie Moore from Alberta Red Cross.

The Alberta Red Cross is still taking donations for the Medicine Hat and Irvine Flood Relief. To find out more, click on the Red Cross link to the right.