Some Calgary Liberals are voicing concern about the way the federal party is going about choosing its new leader.

On Monday, Stephane Dion announced he will be stepping down six months ahead of schedule.

The Liberal Caucus will likely appoint an interim leader by Wednesday and that's what some Liberals are taking issue with.

Brad Carroll ran for the Liberals in the October election and he is taking exception to the decision to let Liberal MP's vote for the new leader.

"I think there's a better way of doing it. I think we need to open it up to the membership to have a full democratic process because then we go in with, not an interim leader, but permanent leader. I think that's really critical for us right interim leader gives ammunition to the Conservatives," says Carroll.

Carroll would rather see all party members cast their vote for a leader online, on the phone or in person within a few weeks.

But not all Liberals are on the same page as Carroll.

Kyle Olsen is the president of Alberta Young Liberals and says when it doubt, the party should stick to its own rules which allow for the appointment of an interim leader. "We have our constitution to guide us and we have to work within it and I believe it's better to follow the process in the constitution than just go ad hoc," says Olsen.

The Alberta wing of the federal Liberal Party refuses to comment on the process saying it would rather leave the decision to the party's executive.

There is supposed to be a conference call with riding presidents across the country on Tuesday night. The call is meant to give the Liberal Party a sense of where their membership stands before the MP's decide who will become the interim leader.