The Canadian Women’s Hockey League has announced it will provide financial compensation to its players for the first team in league history as the start of the 2017-2018 season approaches.

According to the league, players will receive annual salaries ranging from $2,000 to $10,000 based on an individual’s tenure in the league as well as each team’s distribution of discretionary funds.

Kristen Hagg, General Manager of the Calgary Inferno, says the introduction of salaries is a symbol of the game's progress that reflects the league’s stability.

“I think the league would have wanted to be paying athletes right from the get-go but it’s always sort of been the plan to make sure the league was sustainable and in a position to continue forward on a more permanent basis before they started paying players,” explained Hagg. “For us to have finally reached this pinnacle with the CWHL, because that’s sort of been the plan from the get-go, it’s a huge thing.

Blueliner Jacquie Pierri, who is entering her fifth season with the Inferno, says the salary will be a big boost to both the players and the quality of hockey.

“(It) will really help even just covering training and equipment. It’s a big step for us,” said Pierri. “There are a lot of girls that do end up quitting when they still could be competitive, impact players because they decide it’s time to pursue their career or they don’t have the financial means to do both so this is big step towards having the best players on the ice.”

Pierri balances her hockey career with her career as an engineer with ATCO and says the professional players do face unique challenges.

“The time commitment is a lot harder than it was at university,” said Pierri. “We’re travelling a lot on the weekends to Montreal and Boston, which aren’t even direct flights, and flying in on game day, flying out right after games, heading to work a few hours after we get back.”

CWHL players have their travel, hotel and ice time costs covered but the introduction of salaries will help cover players pay for equipment, training and meals on the road.

The league continues to grow as an expansion team based in China, the Kunlun Red Star, will join the CWHL for the 2017-2018 bring the number of franchises to six. The regular season will begin in October.