Albertans with Type 1 diabetes are set to receive some financial relief as the provincial government has announced it will fund the cost of insulin pumps and supplies for those in need.

Alberta is following in the steps of several other provinces which pick up the tab for the costly medical accessory that, according to many diabetics, makes coping with the disease much easier.

Insulin pump coverage was a campaign platform for both the provincial PC’s and their competitors during the 2012 election.  The PC’s said if they were elected, they would pay for the pumps.  The pump coverage announcement comes nearly a year after the Redford government took office.

The pumps and the pump supplies are expensive.  Pumps range in price from $6,000 to $8,000 and are good for at least five years.  Annual supply costs for using a pump are an additional $7,000.

Insulin pumps regulate the insulin a diabetic receives and are especially good for children, who aren't as likely to instinctively know their blood sugar levels and require monitoring.

For more information, visit the Alberta Health Service - Insulin Pump Therapy Program

With files from Chris Epp