With holiday bashes around the corner comes a greater chance of party-goers getting behind the wheel while impaired.

But a device has sprung up on the market claiming it will help people make the responsible decision before deciding whether or not to start up the car.

The Blow Before You Go self-breathalyzer asks you to blow into a bag 20 minutes after your last drink, which then releases air into the tester.

A few minutes later, if the yellow crystals turn green beyond the red line, it means you are over the legal limit.

Company president Craig Atkinson said his product is 98% accurate.

"What we are trying to educate the people on is there's a tool out there to test yourself and to make responsible decisions, either to call a cab, call a friend do something responsible, instead of getting behind the wheel," he said.

It's been around for two decades and widely used in Europe, Atkinson added.

But Calgary police say the product is a novelty device.

The device could be a good indication of what a person's blood alcohol concentration is, but it doesn't mean they would be safe to drive, said Sgt. Richard Butler.

"A person can still be charged with an impaired driving offence and still provide a breath sample under the legal limit," he said.

"Impaired driving is based on a person's ability to operate a motor vehicle, not necessarily a single factor of what their blood alcohol concentration is."

Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) say they don't know enough about the product to endorse it.

"If a person has to check to see whether they are OK to drive or not, chances are you should be taking a cab," said Denise Dubyk with MADD.

Atkinson said he does not condone impaired driving and that he hopes to work with police and organizations like MADD as his product takes off.

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