A Calgary family, who has been struggling financially since June’s flooding, now has renewed hope after a charity organization has stepped in to help them rebuild.

John and Mona Hayes’ home was declared condemned when flood waters spilled into the city last summer.

They weren’t offered a buy out from the province for their home because their home is located on a flood way, so they’ve been stuck without any idea what to do.

Since June, they’ve been living in a basement suite.

It would have cost them $150,000 to renovate their home, but they weren’t able to get enough funding from the province or coverage from their insurance to make that payment.

Now, the Samaritan’s Purse has stepped in to help.

Crews, made up of volunteers with the organization, started work in Erlton on Thursday, demolishing Hayes’ damaged home.

It’s all part of a plan to help families still struggling after June’s flooding.

This the first full rebuild project in the history of Samaritan’s Purse.

Once the demolition has been completed, construction will begin in early spring.