An upcoming auction of western memorabilia contains some rare Stampede collectibles dating back to the very first Stampede including an original program.

Olds auctioneer John Wayne wanted to commemorate the centennial of the Greatest Outdoor Show on Earth.

Consigners have sent him scores of Stampede posters, dozens of Stampede belt buckles, along with official coins and tokens of Stampede past.

He's hoping to attract both serious collectors as well as people and businesses looking to beef up their Stampede decorating.

"Different consigners have come up with some really neat interesting things," says Wayne. "Prices are probably going to range from $20 dollars to, well, we have pieces estimated to go for over $30,000."

All the Stampede memorabilia along with truck loads of western art and artifacts go on sale June 24 at the Didsbury arena.