We have an update on a broken glass incident at a downtown mall.

Officials at The Core insist no one was ever in danger after two panes of tempered glass broke in the mall's skylight Thursday just before 6 p.m.

Since the mall was open at the time, security evacuated and closed down the mall.

CTV News talked to Core spokesperson, J.W. Smith, the Vice-President of 20 VIC Management Inc.

Smith says he's confident the window worked as it was supposed to.

Smith says the window is tempered glass, much the same as a car windshield.

He says the window was in pieces but still adhered to its pane.

Smith says a large chunk of ice hit the pane at the height of Thursday's windstorm with such force it was able to shatter the window, and a second pane, broken about 18 hours earlier, is also the result of the weather.

The skylight roof is one of the main features of the mall, formerly known as Eaton's Centre, and the mall points out it is still a construction site as renovations continue.

Smith says consultants who helped design the roof are examining the situation and are preparing a report and the mall will meet with the City on Monday.

Smith expects the incident will be blamed on extreme weather and not anything structurally wrong with the roof or the glass being used.