Officials at the Calgary Zoo say crews have pulled out all the stops to get the facility back up and running and announced on Thursday that it will be fully reopened to the public next month.

The zoo sustained over $50 million in damages from the floods at the end of June and many of the exhibits and venues were heavily impacted.

A portion of the zoo reopened on July 31 and keepers have gradually been moving the animals back to their enclosures as they have been repaired.

The Calgary Zoo will reopen completely on Thursday, November 28, 2013.

“I have been anxiously anticipating the day when I could announce to our community that their Calgary Zoo is back,” said Dr. Clément Lanthier, President and CEO. “From the time of the flood in June, I have witnessed a remarkable team of staff and volunteers working diligently and passionately to bring the zoo back to what it was and I believe in many ways our community will find that it’s better than ever. I am so proud of the monumental feat they have achieved in such a short time.”

One of the zoo’s most popular seasonal exhibits will light up the next day.  Zoolights runs from Friday, November 29th  until January 4, 2014.

For more information, visit the Calgary Zoo’s website.