We don't usually have to scrape the windshield or turn up the thermostat for awhile yet, but it feels more like January than October right now.

We set a cold weather record for this date when we hit minus 16 degrees celcius overnight, beating the old record low of minus 13 degrees celcius.

The cold snap has left many Calgarians wishing they could go back in time to three weeks ago when it was plus 32 degrees.

On Monday, most Calgarians woke up to temperatures more like New Year's than Thanksgiving, but that didn't stop an outdoor boot camp from taking place.

"It is so cold! But we are doing our boot camp so we had to come," said Mackenzie Quigley.

"I think it's ridiculous. We are used to 12, 13 degrees and it's minus 16 right now. I'm feeling it," said Erin Derksen.

October has been unseasonably cold, but not everyone thinks that's bad news.

Over at Canada Olympic Park, they anxiously await the cold weather.

"As soon as the summer season ends for us we are just hoping for the snow and the cold," said Brendon Arnold with Winsport Canada.

And they got their wish. Canada Olympic Park's snowmakers are running 24 hours a day.

Cold weather means the white stuff is sticking around and parts of the skill hill are open.

It's good news for skiers and boarders looking to get in a few early runs.

"I love the cold weather. It's the best time of year," said snowboarder Scott Johnston.

Skier Lawson Parker agrees.

"I'm kind of stoked that I can ski now. The summer was fun and all, but I kind of wanted to get back to skiing."

But that might soon change.

According to the forecast, the weekend temperatures are supposed to be in the mid-teens which is an almost 30 degree temperature increase from Monday.