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Former Chestermere mayor levels allegations against the province and RCMP of bribery, collusion


Embattled former Chestermere mayor Jeff Colvin says he’s not going down without a fight, nearly three weeks after losing his job.

Colvin, along with former councillors Mel Foat and Stephen Hanley, stood outside their former workplace for a media conference on Thursday, nearly three weeks after their firing.

Colvin blasted Municipal Affairs Minister Ric McIver for not taking their concerns about collusion from previous councils seriously.

“We were elected with a mandate to look into the past and to clean up and fix Chestermere,” said Colvin.

“Reduce taxes, be transparent, to get roads built and to invest in recreation.”

Colvin says that McIver blamed him for financial irregularities.

“Municipal affairs indicated that I bought two motorcycles for myself from the city's funds for $75,000,’ he said.

“That is false. Administration came to council and got approval for the motorbikes that we were looking at buying for $19,000 a piece. These motorcycles were for patrol and to deter crime for our peace officers.”

On Thursday, Colvin along with the three councillors and three other staff members that were let go, filed a court injunction in an effort to be reinstated.

“It allows us to be very focused on exactly what (McIver’s) saying, and what he's done,” said Colvin.

“Then also what we've done, is substantially increased the information that we're disclosing.”

He says he plans to fight this in court for the benefit of all Chestermere residents, alleging the province has been colluding with RCMP.

“We have filed a detailed account of these alleged corruptions with the court today,” said Colvin.

“Municipal Affairs has tried to stop us from filing, try to change our representation behind closed doors. Even though publicly they said we're entitled to legal representation. We have a website that will release all evidence to the public detailing plans, plots, collusion and alleged corruption, accounts of alleged illegal activity, alleged kickback schemes and orchestrating a takeover and alleged removal of city council and mayor.”

Ric McIver’s office released a statement Thursday, but did not directly address the allegations made by Colvin.

"For many months Alberta’s government followed the legislated inspection process and made significant efforts to help Chestermere city council and administration understand and adopt appropriate principles of governance, in service to the people of Chestermere,” read the statement from press secretary Scott Johnston.

"The documented reasons for the course of action taken in respect of Chestermere council and administration and other details are available on”

The statement went on to read that "as we understand these matters may be before the courts, we will not be commenting further."

Colvin says an RCMP Situation Report, an internal document for Mounties, was “unintentionally” sent to him in July, detailing allegations of eavesdropping against him and the city on staff at city hall.

“We will detail schemes of bribery, spying, planting holes, and there's a demonstration and attempting false charges by the RCMP,” said Colvin.

The report titled “City of Chestermere considering replacing the RCMP” calls the relationship between the city and RCMP “acrimonious” and that mistrust has been at the forefront.

RCMP says it acknowledges the document was sent unintentionally, but confirms there is an active investigation regarding the city of Chestermere.

“No charges have been laid to date. As it is active, we cannot comment any further,” read a statement from RCMP.

The report says allegations of eavesdropping are being investigated and that “the charge approval for eavesdropping against the mayor and/or Ms. Wallace (former CAO), or the city is highly probable.”

“All of this could have been avoided had the initial concerns been addressed, and taken seriously if they'd been in response to the initial reports and corrective measures taken,” said Mount Royal University policy science professor Lori Williams.

“Certainly charges being laid is problematic, even the discussion of the potential for charges being laid is extremely problematic. Convictions would be even worse.”

Williams adds that the claims Colvin is making are serious.

“All of this would have to require collusion amongst a number of different entities, different municipal affairs ministers,” she said. Top Stories

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