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With the whole province under an extreme cold warning, this is weather to take seriously


Here we go, into the most frigid three days of this cold stretch (Thursday, Friday and Saturday).

The whole province is under an extreme cold warning.

This is weather to take seriously.

Kids and pets should not be spending time outdoors.

When the wind chill is below -40, you can get frostbite in minutes.

The temperatures will drop throughout the day on Thursday.

By the afternoon, wind chill values will be in the minus 40s.

Expect flurries to fully taper off Thursday afternoon.

When looking at this long-range forecast, some models are suggesting even colder temperatures than what you see here.

You can expect wind chill values to remain in the minus 40s through Saturday.

The weather pattern will start to change on Sunday with chinook winds, but with such a cold air mass in place, it will take some time for warm air to mix down to ground level and make a real difference in our temperatures at the surface.

The chinook winds should knock us into the minus single digits by Monday or Tuesday.

However, we will continue to be below normal (-3 C) for all of next week.

Stay warm everyone! Top Stories

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