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Calgary brigade headed for B.C. to assist with firefighting operations


As devastating wildfires continue to burn in British Columbia, more help is on the way from Calgary.

Dozens of soldiers from our city have been deployed out west as part of "Operation LENTUS."

That's the name of the Canadian Armed Forces response to natural disasters in Canada.

The group spent Sunday preparing for the deployment and receiving training in firefighting.

"I think it's absolutely critical," said Col. Christopher Hunt, the commander of 41 Canadian Brigade Group (CBG), said of the mission.

"We've seen this is the worst wildfire season on record out in British Columbia and whatever we can do to free up provincial resources so that the professional firefighters are able to concentrate on those those most dangerous areas and get control of them -- it just helps those communities and hopefully stabilizes the situation faster," he said.

About 40 soldiers from the 41 CBG, based in Calgary, will spend just over two weeks in B.C.

It's the second time a group will depart for the operation this summer.

There are already around 30 Canadian Armed Forces members in B.C., working to help with evacuations, firefighting, and operations.

Hundreds more are helping battle the blaze in the Northwest Territories.

The Calgary members in B.C. are tasked with hosing, building trenches and fire breaks.

"I know that if it was my home, if it was my town getting burnt up, I would be heartbroken. I honestly feel really bad for all the families that are going through what they're going through right now," said Cpl. Michelle Monroy.

"So I just want to help out where I can," she added.

Most members from Calgary's CBG are part-time soldiers, deployed to international and domestic missions when needed.

They will be in B.C. until at least Sept. 15. Top Stories

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