A pair of grade 3 students is aiming high by trying for a world record for Frisbee throwing. Kyla Gillani and Payten Olson practiced every day for a year to get ready for the attempt last month. They focussed on self-caught Frisbee throwing, where the thrower tries to catch their own throw.

“I did catches, I did throwing up and I have to run to catch it, and throwing and catching to a partner and stuff like that, that’s what I did,” said Kyla.

The girls were inspired by playing Frisbee in gym class, and even their teacher was surprised that they wanted to try for the record.

“It started with the girls, we were doing a Phys Ed lesson,” said Tracy Evans, “And they came up and said, Hey Madam, I think we’ve beat the world record, and I said OK, and I timed them, and I though Oh my gosh, I think they’ve actually got it.”

The attempt was made on October 16, 2015, and the girls missed the record, but not by much. They intend to try again next year. Meanwhile, the girls started doing talks in their school, creating a lot of excitement among the other kids.

“Everybody is now like, Frisbee! Let’s do Frisbee! We didn’t even invite the whole school but after teachers brought it up, their classes are now doing it for gym outside sometimes,” said Kyla.

The next attempt will be in the spring.