Calgary’s police chief says that he voted against a proposal to beef up the province's laws against speeding.

The proposal was put forward by Edmonton Police Chief Rod Knecht at the Alberta Police Chief’s meeting on June 13.

Knecht wants to have the government toughen speeding laws and allow police to seize vehicles and licences on the spot in situations where the driver is caught going at least 50 km/h over the speed limit.

“We’re not looking for the person going 10 or 20 kilometres an hour over the speed limit,” Knecht told the media after the meeting. “I think most people will say when you’re 50 kilometres over the speed limit, that’s a high rate of speed.”

However, his Calgary counterpart has panned the idea, voting against it at the same meeting.

“There’s all kinds of options. So, before we get into licence suspensions on the spot, vehicle seizures on the spot, retaining peoples vehicles on the spot, we just have to do the research to make sure it’s the most effective way of dealing with that problem,” CPS Chief Rick Hanson said on CTV Morning Live on Tuesday.

The province’s Solicitor General and Transportation Minister share Hanson’s viewpoint on the issue.

“There are a number of Albertans that would like this put in place,” Transportation Minister Ric McIver said. “There’s a lot that don’t want anything to do with it, but as minister I’m not contemplating going down that road.”

According to reports, Knecht will be meeting with both McIver and Jonathan Denis to discuss the matter.

Ontario, Quebec, and British Columbia all have legislation that allows police to seize vehicles of drivers caught speeding well in excess of the posted limit.

(With files from CTV Edmonton)