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Police move in after encampment erected at University of Calgary for pro-Palestinian protest


Police have moved in to break up a demonstration in support of the Palestinian people on campus at the University of Calgary.

The demonstration involved the setting up of an encampment.

Earlier Thursday, it was a couple of dozen tents and around 50 to 60 students and staff, and at the height of the day's rally, there were 100 to 150 protesters present.

At the request of the university, the police public safety unit moved in.

Police moved in on May 9, 2024, to break up a pro-Palestinian demonstration in support of the Palestinian people on campus at the University of Calgary.

Officers began dismantling tents on Thursday evening.

As of 10 p.m., some protesters had left and some protesters had opted to stay.

An estimated 20 to 30 people remained in the encampment area.

Police have moved in to break up an anti-Israel demonstration in support of the Palestinian people on campus at the University of Calgary.

At the time of this writing, there had been no arrests.

Police have moved in to break up a demonstration in support of the Palestinian people on campus at the University of Calgary.

"We are protesting the university's ties to Israel," said spokesperson Ryn Laroux.

"We are here as both students, faculty and community members, really advocating for our part that we are playing as we pay tuition, as we attend this university and as citizens of the city," said spokesperson Salam Kafri.

Police have moved in to break up an anti-Israel demonstration in support of the Palestinian people on campus at the University of Calgary.

The school says the encampment on the south lawn of MacEwan Hall began Thursday around 6:30 a.m.

"We are engaging with the individuals involved; however, temporary structures and overnight protests are not permitted," read a statement.

"Members of the campus community are free to protest but they are not free to camp."

Calgary police also served a trespass notice to protesters.

"The protesters were asked to leave and when they refused, were trespassed," said police.

"Despite being trespassed, the protesters refused to leave and police have been called in for assistance."

The demonstration has remained peaceful, with many protesters coming and going.

The Calgary Student Movement began the encampment, called the Mohkinstsis Liberated Zone.

They demand the university provide full transparency on investment decisions and disassociate from any businesses with ties to Israel.

The group wants to show its solidarity with Palestinians living in the West Bank and Gaza.

"Look at Gaza and Palestine. We recognize that there's no more functioning universities, along with very minimal health-care facilities," said Kafri.

"So as students here, we don't only just stand for these demands, but we stand to represent the students that can no longer attend their own institutions and pursue higher education."

Despite the warnings from the school and police, demonstrators say they are in for the long haul.

"We will stay here as long as it takes," said Laroux.

"As long as it takes for the university to fulfill our demands." Top Stories

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