A 101 year old woman was home alone when a thief broke in and stole her jewelry, including her wedding ring.

“Mother was in here watching TV, and she’s quite deaf so she had it turned up pretty loud, and she had the light on in her bedroom, her bedroom is at the other end of the house and the window opens into a carport which is enclosed, and that’s where they got in,” said Mary Andrews, Erma’s daughter

Erma Brown didn’t notice anything was amiss until she went to bed and noticed that things were missing from her room.

“Her earrings, and there was probably 8 or 10 plain gold bands she used to wear on her hands for her arthritis, her wedding band which is gold with diamonds in it.”

The items have great sentimental value for Erma, but she is also disturbed that someone was in her house.

“It’s very upsetting, and another thing is it upset my family, and I can’t stand to have my family upset,” she said.

Neighbours are keeping an eye on Erma’s home since the break-in and say there is usually very little crime in the area.

“It’s devastating for such a small community that’s so close, to have someone come in and do that,” said Kennetha Clay, who lives nearby.

RCMP continue to investigate and say they do have some leads, but are asking anyone who may have any information to contact them or Crimestoppers.