CALGARY -- CTV News Calgary reached out to all 27 mayoral candidates requesting responses to a questionnaire. The following are the answers received from 26 of the 27.

The candidates are listed in an order based on the percentage of support suggested by ThinkHQ Public Affair's Calgary's Mayor's Race Tightening online survey of 1,109 adult Calgarians that was conducted between Sept. 13 and 16, with a margin of error of +/- 2.9 percentage points, 19 times out of 20. Candidates who, according to the survey, have less than two per cent voter support appear below in alphabetical order by surname.

Jump to:

Jeromy Farkas - Jyoti Gondek - Jeff Davison - Brad Field - Jan Damery -
Ian Chiang - James Desautels - Emile Gabriel - Paul Michael Hallelujah - Zac Hartley
Larry Heather - Dean Hopkins - Kevin J. Johnston - Randall Kaiser - Zaheed Ali Khan
Cory Lanterman - Zane Novak - Teddy Ogbonna - Mizanur Rahman - Geoff Rainey
Adam Roberts - Sunny Singh - Virginia Stone - Will Vizor - Stan the Man Waciak
Shaoli Wang - Grace Yan


Jeromy Farkas

Jeromy Farkas, Calgary, mayor,
Age: 35
Political experience: City Councillor
Professional experience: Community association volunteer, blue collar and trades through school, technical and data analysis after
Education: Bachelor of Arts in Political Science from University of Calgary
How long have you lived in Calgary? Proudly born and raised in Dover, east Calgary.
What is the first thing that comes to mind when you think of Calgary? Economic opportunity
Favourite Calgary location/landmark? Fish Creek Park
Favourite dish from a local restaurant? Roasted tomatoes from Ten Foot Henry
Name a Calgarian you admire and briefly explain why: Ralph Klein. He had a strong sense of financial responsibility, kept his promises, stayed humble, and was always accessible to the people he worked for.
Biggest issue Calgary currently faces? The struggling economy, lack of jobs, and property taxes.
If elected, what are the three policy items you would pursue first?
Four-year property tax freeze
Defend the police
Business red tape reduction to create jobs
Describe your platform in 280 characters or fewer: I’m running for mayor to bring about real change. I’ll focus on three priorities:
A strong & growing economy based on financial responsibility at City Hall.
Transparent government that includes Calgarians in the decision-making process.
Safe & vibrant communities through support for our Police and other essential services.

Jyoti Gondek

Jyoti Gondek, candidate, mayor,
Age: 52
Political experience: City of Calgary, Ward 3 Councillor – 4 years
Professional experience:
Director of the Westman Centre for Real Estate Studies (Haskayne School of Business) – 3 years
Principal of Tick Consulting – 12 years
Director, National Sales & Marketing, Greyhound Canada – 2 years
Regional Marketing, Alberta Credit Unions – 3 years
Policy Analyst, Government of Manitoba – 2 years
PhD, Urban Sociology (regional urban-rural issues)
MA, Organizational Sociology (corporate social responsibility)
BA, Criminology/Sociology
How long have you lived in Calgary? 24 years
What is the first thing that comes to mind when you think of Calgary? Opportunity
Favourite Calgary location/landmark? The transformation of King Edward School into cSPACE.
Favourite dish from a local restaurant? BBQ from Palomino
Name a Calgarian you admire and briefly explain why: Virnetta Anderson was the 1974 Ward 3 Councillor and a champion for public transit, the arts and sustainable urban development. As the first Black woman on Calgary City Council, she used principled approaches to push for a more equitable and accessible city.
Biggest issue Calgary currently faces? The recovery from a crippling economic downturn and the pandemic will require solutions that create economic opportunities by increasing opportunities for labour force participation across all sectors, bolstered by access to services like public transit, childcare, mental health supports and affordable housing.
If elected, what are the three policy items you would pursue first?
1. Municipal Government Act (MGA) reform to address market-based property tax assessment, City Charters & provincial-municipal funding arrangements.
2. Declare a climate emergency and enact the recommendations around environmental resilience in existing City of Calgary policies.
3. Strengthen the Benefits Driven Procurement Policy to ensure we are supporting local businesses that believe in socially responsible practices like fair wages and seeking local suppliers.
Describe your platform in 280 characters or fewer:
Calgary must own its place as the centre of excellence for a transitioning, solutions-based economy. We must be committed to a city that is economically, socially and environmentally resilient. Let’s attract and retain talent that wishes to drive innovation in all sectors.

Jeff Davison

Calgary, Jeff Davison, candidate,
Age: 43
Political experience: 2017- present City Councillor Ward 6
Professional experience: Film producer, Tech company owner, Energy
Education: Bachelors Degree Communications U of C
How long have you lived in Calgary? 43 years. All My Life
What is the first thing that comes to mind when you think of Calgary? Opportunity
Favourite Calgary location/landmark? Zoo
Favourite dish from a local restaurant? Hanni’s Pizza- Hanni’s special
Name a Calgarian you admire and briefly explain why: Ken King. Ken was a tremendously articulate, outspoken leader who cared about doing the right thing for our city and ensuring we are a ‘have’ city for all.
Biggest issue Calgary currently faces? Economy and the creation of jobs
If elected, what are the three policy items you would pursue first?
1. Simplifying policy to acceleration investment. We need to make it easier and more expedient for people to set up shop and expand their companies.
2. Future-proofing our economy to actively supporting growth sectors that deliver jobs such as energy and agriculture.
3. Authentic collaboration and removing regulatory barriers to improve collaboration.
Describe your platform in 280 characters or fewer:
I am running on a platform of bringing our economy back to a healthy, vibrant place. We need to make Calgary a place where people want to be, not have to be. You can’t build back a city by cutting. You have to build it by creating places and opportunities that attract people, especially young people, to want to work and live in our downtown.

Brad Field

Brad Field, Calgary, mayor,
Age: 54
Political experience: I am not a career politician. This first foray into politics is aimed solely at using my business and collaborative skills helping Calgarians through economic recovery and rediscovering our city’s place as a dynamic, prosperous world-class city. My campaign promise to sit for no longer than two terms demonstrates the fact I have no intention of starting a second career as a politician. 
Professional experience: I am currently the owner and president of BRC Group, one of North America’s leading commercial vehicle collision repair and refurbishment centres, with offices in Canada and the United States. I started my first business at age 12 and since then have built, run and sold businesses around the world in areas such as health care, fire suppression, real estate and heavy equipment repair.
Education: I have been fortunate to have built successful businesses around the world through hard work and determination beginning with real estate transactions in my teens so my main education comes from the School of Hard Knocks. However, I did learn a great deal from a four-year program at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Sloan School of Business with a focus on entrepreneurship.
How long have you lived in Calgary? Five decades
What is the first thing that comes to mind when you think of Calgary? People and opportunity.
Favourite Calgary location/landmark? Fish Creek Park. My friends and I basically lived there during my childhood years.
Favourite dish from a local restaurant? Thin crust pepperoni pizza at Tom’s House of pizza.
Name a Calgarian you admire and briefly explain why: My friend, Perry Berezan. He is one of the most positive people you will ever meet. You can’t walk away from an interaction with Perry without feeling good about yourself and life.
Biggest issue Calgary currently faces? Apart from community healing from the triple whammy of COVID, the commodity price crash and the economic downturn, I would say attraction and preservation of skilled talent. We have to keep the next generation here and bring more young families to Calgary.
If elected, what are the three policy items you would pursue first?
I would advocate for a dramatic overhaul of how the city budgets taxpayer dollars, bringing in a new and more citizen-focused priority-based budgeting system that includes a 21st Century way to consult Calgarians through a virtual community hub. While that is being developed, I would advocate for a two-year budget freeze, to demonstrate to Calgarians we will not further reach into their pockets until I can look each one in the eye and say we are spending tax dollars wisely.
I would focus on youth and the next generation establishing a formal partnership between the city and young adults. And I would advocate for the creation of a new downtown co-op program that would bring more secondary and post-secondary students to the core, an initiative that will truly create a talent pipeline.
I would strongly advocate for the advancement and completion of a train from the Calgary Airport to downtown and on to Banff. Unlike councillors who only jumped on this when they were running for mayor, this has been a passion of mine for many years and has been in my policy platform since I entered the race.
Describe your platform in 280 characters or fewer: City Hall can’t fix City Hall. Real change must come from outside. Good services must come at a reasonable cost and I will help provide Calgarians with value for money, install collaborative leadership, respect citizen priorities and bring vibrancy and opportunity to our city.

Jan Damery (surname pronounced Dame + Ree)

Jan Damery, Calgary, mayor,
Age: 58
Political experience: None (although we think that’s an asset right now). Have been a leader in large complex organizations in all sectors - and large complex organizations are inherently political. It’s always about people.
Professional experience:
Sessional lecturer in Economics at the University of Alberta.
Analyst at the Alberta Department of Energy, co-led the Clean Air Strategy for Alberta.
Decade spent working at senior roles in TransCanada Pipelines, culminating as President of TransCanada’s Hot Taps Ltd.
Led the United Way of Calgary campaign as Campaign Director before travelling to East Africa as a director and organizer for the Aga Khan University.
Vice President External Relations and Engagement at YW Calgary - on the executive team that led the $60 million YW Hub project that built a new home for single women experiencing homelessness, poverty, and isolation. This project was delivered on time, on budget, and with no debt. Also had executive oversight of all Human Resources.
Facilitated and coached the leadership development of supervisors and executives in the mining, pipeline, tech, telecommunications and distribution sectors at The Refinery Leadership Partners Inc.
Education: BA (Honours) in Economics from the University of Alberta and Masters Degree in Economics from the University of British Columbia.
How long have you lived in Calgary? Since 1990 in Calgary and area including 6 years in Canmore.
What is the first thing that comes to mind when you think of Calgary? Potential to be a global city of opportunity for all based on the natural and human assets that we have.
Favourite Calgary location/landmark? Our two rivers, especially the intersection of the Bow and Elbow - a gathering place for millennia!
Favourite dish from a local restaurant? Samosas from the Samosa Factory or Chuma; soft serve ice cream from Peter’s Drive-In
Name a Calgarian you admire and briefly explain why: Doreen Orman - former YWCA Board Chair who, even at the age of 90, would fiercely hold me accountable to make sure I was doing enough to advance opportunities for woman in our city.
Biggest issue Calgary currently faces? Creating opportunity for all and keeping young people here because they see a future and want to build their lives here.
If elected, what are the three policy items you would pursue first? Generating 80,000 jobs by 2030; taking meaningful action on climate change; and ensuring everyone is included in our recovery by removing barriers to employment and settlement.
Describe your platform in 280 characters or fewer: I have a vision for a vibrant, thriving Calgary with jobs, opportunities, and fun things to do. A Calgary where people want to live and where young people see a future. I have detailed plans on how to make that vision a reality. A vote for me is a vote for the future of Calgary. 

Ian Chiang

Ian Chiang, Calgary, mayor,
Age:  64 years
Political experience:  Nil if directly, 41 years indirectly if working experience is considered political experience.
Professional experience:  41 years in technical and engineering fields
Education: A diploma in Engineering Design & Drafting Technology with Southern Alberta of Technology in Calgary
How long have you lived in Calgary? 34 years
What is the first thing that comes to mind when you think of Calgary? Calgary at the foothills of majestic Rocky Mountains.
Favourite Calgary location/landmark?  Statue of Lions at the Lion Bridge North of Downtown Calgary   (I am a LEO)
Favourite dish from a local restaurant? Ginger Beef (invented in Calgary)
Name a Calgarian you admire and briefly explain why: Late Mayor Ralph Klein. He was running for mayor with the lowest donation.Me too.
Biggest issue Calgary currently faces? Unemployment (9.8% in July 2021)
If elected, what are the three policy items you would pursue first? I will improve the economy, Traffic Flow and energy balance.
Describe your platform in 280 characters or fewer:  As attached. (Editor's note: The first 280 characters of the document follow)
1. I have 3 major plans to revitalise the economy of Calgary. They will be disclosed at the Final Television debate.
2. To help reducing the operating cost of the city, I will reduce my pay by 25%.
3. To improve road traffic flow & safety in simple ways.
4. To promote/maintain Calgary as World’s No. 1 Cleanest City.
5. To improve the safety/structure…(Editor's note: full response exceeded character limit)

James Desautels

James Desautels, Calgary, candidate,
Age: 48
Political experience: Organizing experience: American Federation of Musicians of the United States and Canada Board Member Local 433
Professional experience: 32 years in music industry
Education: M.Mus (Arizona) B.Mus. (Calgary)
How long have you lived in Calgary? 29 years total: 2 different times
What is the first thing that comes to mind when you think of Calgary? People
Favourite Calgary location/landmark? All the outdoor parks and natural areas
Favourite dish from a local restaurant? Sub from Thai Tai
Name a Calgarian you admire and briefly explain why: All the people that have had to struggle for resources, that have still remained hopeful and compassionate.
Biggest issue Calgary currently faces? Covid and climate change
If elected, what are the three policy items you would pursue first? A paradigm shift with our energy production and consumption, an evolution from corporate welfare to house every Calgarian, and ethnicity, gender, and body ability inclusivity
Describe your platform in 280 characters or fewer:
ENERGY - A paradigm shift is required with our energy production & consumption
CAPITALISM - Systemic change is required to include all people in economic capital benefits: health & financial
ETHNICITY, GENDER, & BODY ABILITY INCLUSIVE - Build solutions by listening to those systemically targeted with racism and sexism by governments and society.

Emile Gabriel

Calgary, Emile Gabriel, mayoral, candidate
Political experience: I am not a politician, and I am not backed by a specific donor or any special interest group. However, if "political experience”, meant experience in running for political office, yes, I ran before, for the mayor position in 2017.
Professional experience: With my degree in civil engineering, I have worked with Alberta Transportation for more than seven years, building Highways, Bridges and Airports. As an entrepreneur by nature, I started a small paving company, followed by businesses in the food industry (coffee trucks, small food kiosks at the farmers market and coffee shop at Down Town Calgary).
I have also worked with Innovate Calgary on one of my inventions. With my PhD degree in Project Management and more than 20 years’ experience in managing people and projects, I have a successful management consulting practice, working with firms and managers to assist in developing their business models and improving operation effectiveness and efficiency, as well as saving time and money.
Education: Completed a B.Sc. in Civil Engineering at the University of Alexandria and took advanced courses in cities’ planning and transportation at both University of Alberta and University of Calgary, in addition to courses and lab testing and training with Alberta Transportation.
Later, I obtained a PhD degree in Project Management Specialization from the University of Calgary.
"This combination of knowledge and experience makes me a good fit to lead a growing city like Calgary".
How long have you lived in Calgary? More than 30 years.
What is the first thing that comes to mind when you think of Calgary? The kindness of Calgarians, and the closeness to the mountains.
Favourite Calgary location/landmark? Calgary Zoo, and across the street, the Spark Science Centre: a science museum with interactive exhibits, multimedia presentations and educational demonstrations.
Favourite dish from a local restaurant? Shawarma, Chinese food, East Indian dishes, mushroom sauce hamburger and Egyptian cuisine.
Name a Calgarian you admire and briefly explain why: The “Famous Five” statue at D.T. Calgary. Their success in their extensive legal battle in the 1929 'Persons' Case. The reason why I admire the “Famous Five”, because I was raised by my mother, a widow, trying to learn how to cope with the tragedy of losing her husband at a young age, left alone with the responsibility of raising six young children on her own.
She remained a strong loving example for her children. Her sacrifice, wisdom and guidance molded her children into strong, persevering individuals with a deep desire to give to others and to look for solutions
Biggest issue Calgary currently faces?
Based on my knowledge and the understanding of how our City Hall works, and what I have heard from thousands of Calgarians over many years, The No. 1 issue, particularly during the period before the election day, is what I call, “The 15+”, i.e., finding honest, sincere and qualified people to form the members of the City Council (15). If we can succeed in finding candidates coming with a sincere desire to serve (not after a career, + having donors or “vested interest groups” climbing on their shoulders), more than half of our problems will have been already solved.
If elected, what are the three policy items you would pursue first?
- Will give a more active role to community associations.
- Requires councillors to conduct sufficient town hall meetings and use all available technologies to inform, educate and democratically represent the prevailing wishes of their communities.
I have a better plan to build a bigger arena, and a magnificent field-house (at a different location), we all can be proud of. This is a win-win arrangement that would help the owners to make more profits and help the city to generate more revenue. It wouldn’t require Calgarians, at these difficult times, to sacrifice close to $300 million that can be efficiently allocated and put to good use including fixing and reducing taxes and diversifying our local economy.
It would be very helpful in the process of choosing the most suitable mayoral candidate to lead our city, to observe that among the 27 people running, I am the only one committed to:
A- Leadership by example:
* Term limits - two terms.
* Significant salary rollback.
B- Management experience:
* I believe, I am the only one among the 27 candidates who possess a matching management experience allows me to be able to manage and lead our city in the next years, and implement a democratic system in which decisions are not made by a councillor or a bureaucrat, but first allows Calgarians, to have their say.
Describe your platform in 280 characters or fewer:
Councillors: to conduct sufficient town hall meetings, use all available technologies to inform, educate and democratically represent the wishes of their communities.
− Rolling tax assessment into a 3-years cycle.
− Building the high-speed train Calgary/Edmonton.
− We will rally around our shared Canadian values for unity.

Paul Michael Hallelujah

Paul Michael Hallelujah, Calgary, mayor,
Age: 50
Political experience: N/A
Professional experience: Registered Psychotherapist: Master's degree in Theology from the UofT and 4 years of Canadian med school training.
Education: MTS in Theology - UofT; BSCH in Biology - Queen's; 4 years of Medical School - 3 years at Queen's, 1 year at UofA; 2 years of Engineering - Queen's/UBC
How long have you lived in Calgary? 25 Years
What is the first thing that comes to mind when you think of Calgary? Family. Community
Favourite Calgary location/landmark? Fish Creek Park
Favourite dish from a local restaurant? Veg Biryani at Hakka Indian/Chinese NE
Name a Calgarian you admire and briefly explain why: My mother - Kishwer Qureshi - spent her life integrating into Canadian culture, raising her kids and supervising a daycare.
Biggest issue Calgary currently faces? Post CV economic recovery
If elected, what are the three policy items you would pursue first? 1 - Develop technologies in the university to lead Calgary to Alpha and make Calgary an Alpha leader globally - Vaxx, Maxle and Primer Zone (Editor's note: links to websites have been removed) - are examples.
2 - Introduce fMRI testing for common psychoses such as racism, pedophilia and gender bias in our public trust- police, judges, teachers and doctors to begin with.
3 - Cryptocurrency for unemployment and taxes - get rid of taxes and unemployment through crypto as in Miami.
Describe your platform in 280 characters or fewer:
Reform of public offices, next-gen technologies and elimination of taxes and unemployment.

Zac Hartley

Zac Hartley, Calgary, mayor,
Age: 27
Political experience: Board Member
Professional experience: Investor in Calgary Companies and Startups
Education: Graduate of Mount Royal University BBA- Business Management
How long have you lived in Calgary? I am born and raised in Calgary.
What is the first thing that comes to mind when you think of Calgary? The way that the people of Calgary supported each other during the flood of 2013 and how we have some of the best, hardworking, and honest people in the country.
Favourite Calgary location/landmark? Princess Island Park in the summertime
Favourite dish from a local restaurant? Steak Sandwich from Caesars Steakhouse
Name a Calgarian you admire and briefly explain why: George Wood.  Mr. Woods was approached by a young soldier in 1914 who asked him to look after his children while he went to war.  Before long he agreed to look after several children and many of their parents never returned from the war.  Mr. Woods was left to  take care of these children and raise them as if they were his own.  In 1925 he purchased the Hextall Estate in Bowness to house the children and provide shelter.  In 1928 he passed away but his legacy still lives on through Wood's Homes, a children's mental health facility that provides treatment and support for children and youth. in Calgary and around Alberta.  Mr. Woods made an amazingly positive impact on our community almost 100 years ago and that impact is still being felt today.
Biggest issue Calgary currently faces? Our problem is that we continue to raise taxes for programs and projects that are not in the best interest of Calgarians.
If elected, what are the three policy items you would pursue first? Re-route the Greenline to our international airport instead of the Shepherd Landfill, reduce property tax by 10%, donate 50% of my salary to local Calgary charities and nonprofits.
Describe your platform in 280 characters or fewer: Reduce taxes by diversifying revenue streams, cut back on executive salaries and benefits and only spend money when it is in the best interest of Calgarians.  The role of government is to facilitate an environment where business and culture prosper together.

Larry Heather

Larry Heather, Calgary, candidate,
Age: 67 years
Political experience: This is my third run for the Mayor of Calgary
Professional experience: Logistics & Radio Show Production/ recording
Education: Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Religious Education, Graduate Diploma in Christian Studies.
How long have you lived in Calgary? Lived in Calgary for 64 years.
What is the first thing that comes to mind when you think of Calgary? Dynamic Car Mobility
Favourite Calgary location/landmark? Edworthy Park
Favourite dish from a local restaurant? Lemon Chicken from August Moon
Name a Calgarian you admire and briefly explain why: William Aberhart, Christian Statesmen for Alberta Social Credit and Radio Preacher extraordinaire.
Biggest issue Calgary currently faces? Property Over-taxation and Hollowing out of Downtown Core
If elected, what are the three policy items you would pursue first?
1. Restore the Lordship of Jesus Christ to the Mayor’s Office in accordance with Supremacy of God Preamble to Charter.
2. Restore Car and Truck Mobility as Number One Transportation Priority for Economic Growth.
3. Drastic Cuts to Unnecessary City Spending, Staffing, and Property Residential and Business Taxes.
Describe your platform in 280 characters or fewer:
I would endeavor to use the educational power of the office of Mayor to  move Council towards:
1. Cutting City Staffing by One—third. City Hall is a Growth Planning Monstrosity.
The Calgary Municipal Development Plan must be revoked and all policy refocused towards realistic, affordable conservative urbanism in line with the philosophy of the American Dream Coalition...(Editor's note: full response exceeded character limit)

Dean Hopkins

Calgary, Dean Hopkins, mayor,
Age: 57
Political experience: Many years of working for numerous British MPs (military career) and other politicians throughout the world and been on the receiving end of their bad decisions and their constant BS.  Sat in Calgary city council every year for the past 5 years, attended every budget debate and have periodically listened to how our cities leadership do business. Actively given public submissions in support of emergency services and have issued two important documents to council and all three levels of government at the start of COVID for their consideration.
Professional Experience:
30 years of leadership experience which was tried and tested in some of the most diverse and dangerous environments imaginable. Leadership qualifications obtained in some of the best military establishments in the UK. Lectured and ran leadership development courses for numerous organisations and potential leaders of countries. UK, Bosnia, Kosovo to name three.
10 years as a Senior Facilities Operator: Plumber, Dry Waller, Painter, Carpenter, Landscaper, Roofer, Contractor.
2 years Founder Managing Director: Non-profit charitable association.  One Direction Calgary (Editor's note: link removed)
How long have you lived in Calgary? Lived in Calgary 11 years
What is the first thing that comes to mind when you think of Calgary? A city with an abundance of good kind people.
Favourite Calgary Location/landmark? Nose Hill Park
Favorite dish from a local restaurant? Fish & Chips curry sauce from “The British Chippy” in the SW.
Name a Calgarian you admire and briefly explain why? A man named Bob Johnson, along with his two daughters launched a charity called The Spirit of Christmas. Bob wanted to fight despair that can still be found even during the most joyous time of the year – Christmas.
From its humble beginning in 1983, The (now) Magic of Christmas has grown to a volunteer family of 6,000+ Santas and elves. I have volunteered with this organisation for 11 years, as one of their professional Santa’s.
Biggest issue Calgary currently faces? Unemployment
If elected, what would the three policy items you would pursue first?
Put the wheels in motion to bring more financial control to our cities budget and then implement a totally new budgeting system. Administration will be tasked to give council a presentation on the processes, policies and procedures of an ON DEMAND BUDGET SYSTEM and how it would be implemented over a three year period.
Advise council to financially support our emergency services better than the past municipal government have, so they can adequately protect lives and property of Calgarians in this coming 2021 budget.
Advise the new council to lower small business taxes by 10% over the next two years to enable our economy and small business sector time to recover before they see any increase. This will generate more employment and attract more small businesses to Calgary. The focus is one of jobs for citizens who are low-income families or are living below the poverty line in communities. Our city needs jobs.
Describe your platform in 280 characters or fewer: I have 22 reforms of which 21 can be accomplished within a 4 year period - so they are realistic!  I plan to focus on people and their needs first versus infrastructure and legacy projects. It's time for Calgary to move in “One Direction” and that is towards helping the People, the Community and then the City. My job is to support your councillors to do their JOBS while accomplishing my platform.

Kevin J. Johnston

Kevin J. Johnston, Calgary, mayor,
Age: 50
Political experience: Finished 2nd Place in Last Mississauga Mayor Race
Professional experience: Runs the Number 1 Podcast in Canada
Education: Lots.
How long have you lived in Calgary? 1 year
What is the first thing that comes to mind when you think of Calgary? Patriotism, Love and Friendship
Favourite Calgary location/landmark? Saddledome
Favourite dish from a local restaurant? Chicken Wings, with Blue Cheese
Name a Calgarian you admire and briefly explain why: Ralph Klein, he was a legend in his own time and remains one today
Biggest issue Calgary currently faces? The Mask & Vaccine Mandates, They have destroyed this town.
If elected, what are the three policy items you would pursue first? Mask Mandates GONE, all Vaccine Mandates GONE, The whole city is going back to work as soon as I take office. There will be NO lockdowns ever again when I am mayor.
Describe your platform in 280 characters or fewer: REVIVING the city by Ending Lockdowns and stopping all illegal trespassing and criminal harassment of business by AHS of hard-working Calgarians. I will end corruption in city hall by working with forensic accountants and reallocating money into snow removal, infrastructure and programs for CALGARIANS FIRST!

Randall Kaiser 

Calgary, Randall Earl Kaiser, mayor, candidate

YouTube Randall Earl Kaiser
Age: 60
Political experience:
Professional experience:
Professional Rancher and Value Chain Natural Beef Supplier to Retail and Food Service in Calgary for many years
Five years international Banking Experience in Credit Manifestation processes and Humanitarian Project Funding
Education:High School and non degree college study in Psychology
How long have you lived in Calgary? Over 5 years full time living in Calgary but many years of business
What is the first thing that comes to mind when you think of Calgary? The First thing I think of about Calgary after visiting cities around the world is it’s natural beauty 
Favourite Calgary location/landmark: My favourite city landmark is Bankers Hall where I do my business
Favourite dish from a local restaurant:My favourite food dish is Wonton Soup at the kiosk in Euclair Market Mall run by an immigrant Chinese couple who speak no English, as we communicate with smiles and love and the odd iPhone translation
Name a Calgarian you admire and briefly explain why:I find Ralph Klein to be my favourite Calgarian of all time, partly due to the fact that we make the same mark in the snow when we carve out our initials with excess kidney volume
Biggest issue Calgary currently faces?
If elected, what are the three policy items you would purse first?
The three policy issues I will tackle first are
1)- Outright bullying and discrimination of healthy conscious Calgarians being coerced, paid snd threatened to partake in experimental drug therapy shots, to assist immune function, when they choose to treat their temples with utmost respect, and dignity without forced intervention
2)- Expose Calgarians to the utter insane illusion of public debt at municipal, provincial, federal, and crown corporation levels as an international banker fully aware and experienced in the credit manifestation process and illusory debt “banking game”
3)- Assist project funding for housing low income seniors, veterans, and in fact all Calgarians who deserve comfort without excuses from capitalist or socialist mindset politicians and city officials
Describe your platform in 280 characters or fewer:
These three points could also be seen as my mayoralty platform as I intend to show Calgary that a quote by one of my favourite Canadian economists and an adviser to John F Kennedy, Sir John Kenneth Galbraith is nothing but truth
“Under capitalism, man exploits man - Under communism, it is the exact opposite”
In other words, I intend to affect change...(Editor's note: full response exceeded character limit)

Zaheed Ali Khan

Zaheed Ali Kahn, mayor, candidate,
Political experience:  I was on the board of saitsa in 2012, have been a volunteer for the Magic of Christmas. and did a lot for wild rose.
Professional experience:
Education: I was born and raised in YYC.
What is the first thing that comes to mind when you think of Calgary? What I think of home when I think Calgary  heart of the west epicenter of the world.
Favourite Calgary location/landmark? Nose hill Park, as it's rich history as city hall was repurposed stone from a structure under that hill.maybe we re quarry it creating jobs.
Favourite dish from a local restaurant? This is to hard as of the moment it's the 4th spot kitchen and bar. My dish of choice is any dish at all although I do prefer the Chicken bites, French onion soup, just ask for Bill or Olivia.
Name a Calgarian you admire and briefly explain why: I admire cornel Macloed he was the greatest Calgarian and founding father.
Biggest issue Calgary currently faces? Biggest issue we face as a city is segregation and the gap of poverty all curable.
If elected, what are the three policy items you would pursue first? If elected I would tackle a municipal charter of right as it touches on so many topics we as a species have failed on. second I think we should fund the pediatricians and or right people and entities ie CUPS, health care, first responders.we need to clean up downtown core annex vacant building for affordable housing projects and or parking lots at $150.00 per month.
Describe your platform in 280 characters or fewer: Honestly my platform is hard to describe I'm a soldier of Christ, All I can say is humanity has failed so far.

Cory Lanterman

Cory Lanterman, Calgary, mayor, candidateCory Lanterman
Age: 61
Political experience: Lots
Professional experience: Well versed business background & recreation background.
Education: 2yrs BSC. Biology
How long have you lived in Calgary? 14 yrs. Calgary but 5th generation Albertan .
What is the first thing that comes to mind when you think of Calgary? Cal-Greedy and fraud. Everyone in a hurry to go nowhere and ripping off investors and Calgarians as they go.
Favourite Calgary location/landmark? Saddledome
Favourite dish from a local restaurant? Veg-In Burger
Name a Calgarian you admire and briefly explain why: Jerome Iginla - made hockey very popular for Calgarians. On & off the ice.
Biggest issue Calgary currently faces? Reigning in the covid pandemic so it doesn't continue killing businesses , jobs and citizens due to negligence of council and the Province.
If elected, what are the three policy items you would pursue first?
City owned Oil & Gas refining complex for east of the city.
Cut council pay scale. Get rid of fraudulent practises LIKE council voting in their own wages. I promised to do the Mayors position for $99 thousand annually verses the +200,000.00 annually council voted in in 2020? Council will be encouraged to cut their wages in half as well.  From $116,000/yrs. which would be more than the Mayor is paid if I am elected. Fraudulent practise need addressing.
Describe your platform in 280 characters or fewer:
Generate Billions
City Owned Oil refinery complex
Gateway to Banff initiative- Tourism
Seniors Initiatives
Golf course & Green Space maximization initiatives
The Wealthy pay their fair share
Stop Free money to Wealthy
Affordable housing
Covid passports
Fines based on income
Fight corruption & fraud 

Zane Novak

Calgary, Zane Novak, mayor,  
Age: 58
Political experience: This is my first campaign.
Professional experience:  Most of my career has been in civil earthworks, concrete and aggregate operations, fabrication in the oil & gas sector, and site services. I sat on several nonprofit boards, the most recent being the Kerby Center where I was president for 4 years.
Education: High school Diploma.
How long have you lived in Calgary? I have been in Calgary since 2002 and have had residency since 2008.
What is the first thing that comes to mind when you think of Calgary? Opportunity.
Favourite Calgary location/landmark? Scotsman’s Hill with the view of downtown backdropped by the Rocky Mountains.
Favourite dish from a local restaurant? Pretty much anything at Mercato on 4th street.
Name a Calgarian you admire and briefly explain why: Ralph Klein. He approached things with a very pragmatic stance. He was willing to be vilified as long as it was for the benefit of his constituents. Spoke his mind and stayed true to himself, that is such a rare commodity in our current political arena.
Biggest issue Calgary currently faces? Increasing costs to Calgarians including taxes. Our yearly tax increase is unbearable and has to change. Not only are we losing businesses, but our city hall also created obstacles that are discouraging new businesses and opportunities from locating here. We need to be sure that we are properly managing and growing our public transit system. We need to immediately review the Green Line to be sure it is in a format that we can afford. Creating a collaborative relationship with stakeholders including citizens and our provincial government. Currently, our city hall has a disconnected and at times very adversarial relationship with its stakeholders.
If elected, what are the three policy items you would pursue first? Addressing Snow Removal, work on introducing Gainshare and Biannual Reviews.
Describe your platform in 280 characters or fewer: Bringing accountability, transparency, and collaboration to city hall. Creating an environment where creativity and innovation prosper through programs such as Gainshare, Managed Competition, Biannual Reviews. Implement Participatory Budgeting which will bring vibrancy to our city and our immigrant communities. 

Teddy Ogbonna

Calgary, Teddy Ogbonna, mayor, candidate,
Age: 51
Political experience: consulted and worked with Canada, USA, British Governments on issues of good governance from a not for profit perspective. Did internships at City of Toronto under former City councillor Adam Giambrone for 2 years.
Professional experience: A development consultant- consulted with governments and multilateral organizations on good governance, access to Justice and youth development. Teddy’s experience transcends the development world,  Politics, oil and gas, REIT. Marketing , coaching minors , security , janitorial and entrepreneurship.
Education:How long have you lived in Calgary? Double Majors law society and political science - University of Calgary.
What is the first thing that comes to mind when you think of Calgary? Classic City.
Favourite Calgary location/landmark? City Hall.
Favourite dish from a local restaurant? Any Asian dish actually.
Name a Calgarian you admire and briefly explain why: Ralph Philip Klein because of his honesty on where he stands on issues. Very informal.
Biggest issue Calgary currently faces? Tax hikes
If elected, what are the three policy items you would pursue first? Reduce taxes for home owners and businesses over 4 years - 10% cap across board. Introduce a Shadow Youth cabinet and expand BRT and handicap access for Calgarian of all ages.
Describe your platform in 280 characters or fewer:
Teddy’s platform is about inclusion and equity. It’s about keeping our classic city as it is with low taxes  to keep businesses here. It’s innovative and pragmatic to accommodate and partner with governments at all levels and Calgarians of every race, gender and faith - from First Nations to White settlers and new immigrants...(Editor's note: full response exceeded character limit)

Mizanur Rahman

Mizanur Rahman, Calgary, mayor,
Age: 64 years
Political experience: I was a candidate in 2015 from Calgary West on behalf of NDP, and I have 40 years of political experience altogether.
Professional experience: Public service and independent contractor.
Education: Graduated from University of Dhaka and library was my always accompany in my life.
How long have you lived in Calgary? Since 2006 in Calgary but living in Canada total 34 years.
What is the first thing that comes to mind when you think of Calgary? Calgary is full of resources, including educated young people. Besides oil and gas, these resources could be used in the tech industry, tourism and film industry.
Favourite Calgary location/landmark? Calgary central public library, bell music center and Inglewood.
Favourite dish from a local restaurant? Canadian Pizza. (slice)
Name a Calgarian you admire and briefly explain why: Stephen Harper He was three mandates, prime minister. He managed the excellent way the financial crisis of 2007 --2008.
If elected, what are the three policy items you would pursue first? Calgary currently faces Downtown vacancy, reckless spending, Electoral process, which disproportionately helping the incumbents to elect or re-elect for public office like three councillors are running for the Mayoral Candidate. Election Calgary is not independent, and the city council is dysfunctional.
Describe your platform in 208 characters or fewer:
Strive to change our electoral process. Protect our local business and preserve our full-time job. Reduce the councillors from 14 to 8. Bring ideological political banner in the council chamber. The term limit for Mayor and councillors.All lives matter. Human life does not have a race

Geoff Rainey

Geoff Rainey, Calgary, mayor, candidateAge: 38
Political experience: Grew up listening to QR77 and recently finished all episodes of Parks and Recreation.
Professional experience: I currently serve as an LPN at a subacute center, while juggling the task of being a full-time dad. Previously I was a conductor for CN Rail, and before that I served as an Infantryman with the Canadian Armed Forces from 2006-2012.
Education: Graduated as Valedictorian from the School of Health and Wellness at Bow Valley College in the Spring of 2018.
How long have you lived in Calgary? All my life, minus 2006-2012, which was when I was posted to Edmonton (please don’t hold it against me) with the Canadian Armed Forces
What is the first thing that comes to mind when you think of Calgary? Home
Favourite Calgary location/landmark? Glennfield Park/Fish Creek, where I married my wife
Favourite dish from a local restaurant? Mother of Dragons Pizza from Bow Tie Pizza
Describe your platform in 280 characters or fewer: My platform is all about the sandwich generation. Those people in my age range who are sandwiched in-between taking care of their children, and now their aging parents. Children and seniors have an incredibly high dependency of care that “takes a village.” I will address these issues by using my next 4 years to focus on seniors’ quality of life...(Editor's note: full response exceeded character limit)

Adam Roberts

Adam Roberts, Calgary, mayor,
Age: 40
Political experience: None
Professional experience:
~20 years Instrumentation and Automation Engineering.
Commissioning and Startup Career Highlights: Tesla's Model 3 line in Freemont CA, Syncrude's Mildred Lake Mine in Fort McMurray, Sonneborn's Hydrogen Plant in Petrolia PA.
Education: Diplomas in 'Industrial Instrumentation Technology' and 'Automated Systems Engineering Technology' from SAIT Polytechnic
How long have you lived in Calgary? 40 years
What is the first thing that comes to mind when you think of Calgary? Stampede and the Calgary Flames
Favourite Calgary location/landmark? Fish Creek Park: the Ice Caves by the Ranch.
Favourite dish from a local restaurant? Jonas: Chicken Paprikash
Name a Calgarian you admire and briefly explain why: Ralph Klein when he was mayor.  He brought some common sense back to politics.
Biggest issue Calgary currently faces? Restrictions on freedom impacting the livelihoods and lifestyles of many a Calgarian.
If elected, what are the three policy items you would pursue first? Open for Business, Work Hard, Get out and Enjoy!
Describe your platform in 280 characters or fewer:
Respecting the Canadians who paid the ultimate sacrifice to retain our Freedoms through our Charter Rights:
-Open for Business:  No mandates, business as usual!  More hiring and job availability to allow people too ->
- Work Hard: The opportunity to succeed and make a living in a Strong and Free society so you have the money too->
- Get out and Enjoy:  Be social again, meet with friends and family, go out on a date, give someone a hug!...(Editor's note: full response exceeded character limit)

Sunny Singh

Calgary, Sunny Singh, mayor, candidate
Age: 38
Political experience: None, I believe that I am not a Political person. In Latín Poli Many and Tics meaning BLOOD Sucking. At this Point, I like to call PUBLIC SERVANT.
Professional experience: Ex Lawenforcement officer, World Taekwondo Police Champion, Taekwondo Coach, Celibrity Bodyguard, Action Actor, casting Director, Control Tactics Instructor.
Education: Criminology Study, sports Study. Lawenforcement Training.
How long have you lived in Calgary? 15 years.
What is the first thing comes to mind when you think of Calgary? Corruption
Favorite Calgary location/ landmark? GYM
Favorite dish from a local restaurant? I say love all Dish and Restaurants.
Name a Calgarian you admire and briefly explain why:  Former Mayro Dave Bronconnier and why because  he is straight up personality. I remember that, when he said rest of the World hate me Atleast Calgarians loves me.
Biggest issue Calgary currently faces? Many issues at the moment, I start from Corruption, Charter of Rights, Economy, Property Tax. Small Business.
If elected, what are the three policy items you would pursue first?
A. Securing the Rights of all Calgarians Starting with the Canadian Charter of Rights.
B. The Preservation of all Calgary business.
C. The Cancellation of property tax for all seniors.
Describe your platform in 280 Characters or fewer: I'm not a Political leader. Today you can ask anybody about Political leaders. People don't trust Political leaders anymore because of Corruption. I will wipe out Corruption, no lockdowns, no Vaccine Passports. If any business, school, Lawenforcement Agencies requested they will get the fine. Must have polygraph test for all Mayoral Candidates...(Editor's note: full response exceeded character limit)

Virginia Stone

Virginia Stone, Calgary, mayor,
Age:  45
Political experience: This is my first time running as a political candidate.
Professional experience:
- I am a serial entrepreneur, and have been building companies for over 25 years
- I have invested 2 decades into sustainable innovation and design.
- Best-selling author.
- In my early years I also worked in Oil & Gas as a financial accountant for 4 years and as a Land Manager for 2 years.
- I studied criminal law, accounting, and naturopathic medicine.
Oil & Gas Financial Accounting
Certified in: Nutrition; Herbology; Kinesiology; Reflexology; and Homeopathy.
Trained in: Native Indian Spirituality; Chinese Medicine; Ayurvedic Medicine; and Biology.
How long have you lived in Calgary?  I was born and raised in Calgary, and have lived here my entire life.
What is the first thing that comes to mind when you think of Calgary?  It would be white cowboy hats and the Calgary Stampede, as this is how our city has branded itself. My vision for Calgary is a forward-thinking modernized smart city, known and celebrated as a leader in sustainable technology and design, alternative energy, and visionaries in evolved and responsible oil and gas production.
Favourite Calgary location/landmark? The Peace Bridge is definitely one of my favorite landmarks.
Favourite dish from a local restaurant? The River Cafe is definitely my go-to restaurant, but I do not have a favorite dish, as I love them all.
Name a Calgarian you admire and briefly explain why: My step-father Vern Lonsberry, has always been a shining light for me to follow, even from heaven. He was affectionately known as the 'Cowboys Cowboy' and Poster Star of the Calgary Stampede (quoted by Cowboy Country Magazine). A highly skilled horse whisperer, he worked as a hand on many ranches and participated in some legendary cattle drives. The Calgary Stampede's incoming President and Board Chairman Bob Thompson said he chose my dad as the subject of the Stampede's 2013 poster because he was 'the best of the best'. Over the years, Lonsberry could be seen at the Stampede ensuring horses and their riders were safe. He considered horses the 'ultimate animal'. John Scott and my father worked on several movies together, including Jesse James. My dad was the ultimate Horse Wrangler, who was well known for his hard work, guitar playing, vivid storytelling charm, and personality entertaining the likes of Brad Pitt and Jon Voight.
Biggest issue Calgary currently faces?  Calgary is facing many big issues. I cannot just pick one. We have an affordable housing crisis. We have a large number of people living on the streets. We have taxed businesses out of the city. We are a 'no-fly' zone for investment. The list goes on.
If elected, what are the three policy items you would pursue first?
1. Economic Recovery - Our city council spends like drunken sailors, while increasing taxes. We CAN afford to cut taxes, and that is exactly what I will do. We must lower taxes, both business and residential. Simply freezing taxes is not enough at this point. We must create incentives and grant programs for current businesses and new ones to come.
2. Affordable Housing - As Mayor I will bring European style social housing projects to our city. We need sustainable, minimalist, affordable communities and social building projects. I will support and incentivize cooperative housing projects. I will cut the red tape and provide efficient permitting solutions.
3. Calgary Smart City Initiative - We must become a leader in sustainable innovation, and focus on conscious design, renewable energy and sustainable technologies. I support and will implement many initiatives including: turning our waste into energy; greening rooftops and the downtown core; vertical farming facilities; community gardens; grants and support for innovation and sustainability.
Describe your platform in 280 characters or fewer: We need to abolish the polarization that politics has created. I see a new future for politics, with a circular system that harmoniously considers all matters of importance and relevance. My top policies include: Lower Taxes and Economic Recovery; Affordable Housing; Smart City initiative; Arts & Culture; Support for our Police; Food Security; Waste to Energy…(Editor's note: full response exceeded character limit)

Will Vizor

Will Vizor, Calgary, mayor,
Political experience: Studied Political at University Of Manitoba.
Professional experience: Self Employed. Logistics, Investor, Renovation.
Education: University Of Manitoba.
How long have you lived in Calgary? Lived in Calgary Since 2013 
What is the first thing that comes to mind when you think of Calgary? First Thing That Came To My Mind About Calgary Is The Indigenous Reserve Inside Calgary.
Favourite Calgary location/landmark? 17 Ave Sw Park
Favourite dish from a local restaurant? Ravioli Cactus club. On Stephen Ave.
Name a Calgarian you admire and briefly explain why: Favorite Calgarian. I am Will Vizor. I Admired Myself.  I'm A Great Young Man with Idea's.  Here is The Reasons Why I Admired Myself. My platform as A Mayor I will Spend wisely, Have Better Estimate For Projects, Invest Wasteful Tax Dollars in Creating Entrepreneurship to creates Jobs. I Believed in Home Ownerships, fairness, Equality, Diversity, Tolerance & Mental health.
Biggest issue Calgary currently faces? Calgary facing facing Skyrocketing of Unemployment, Mental health, Housings.
If elected, what are the three policy items you would pursue first?
Describe your platform in 280 characters or fewer:
I've Been Homeless, Dealt with Mental health and Suicide unfortunately This is a serious Thing for me and Affordable housings as The First Black Mayor in Alberta & The first Black Mayor in Canada major cities 154 Years History as An Experience person that Already Been Homeless, Suicide it's a personal issue to me especially when I Notice most of these Candidates... (Editor's note: full response exceeded character limit)

Shaoli Wang

Shaoli Wang, Calgary, mayor,
Age: 54
Political experience: 2019 Calgary Rocky Ridge independent federal candidate
Professional experience:Geologist since 1993
Education: Master of Science
How long have you lived in Calgary? 14 years
What is the first thing that comes to mind when you think of Calgary? Big and clean
Favourite Calgary location/landmark? Prince's Island Park
Favourite dish from a local restaurant? Rib Steak
Name a Calgarian you admire and briefly explain why: Lauren Herschel, a kidney donor to strangers
Biggest issue Calgary currently faces?  In dual crises while leading by spenders
If elected, what are the three policy items you would pursue first?
1.     Cut spending
2.     Lower crime rate
3.     Reduce property tax
Describe your platform in 280 characters or fewer:
Cut 20% Mayor's pay
Cut municipal residential property tax 23.5%, non-residential 26%
Secure frontline service, cut pay and expense
Halt Green Line
Lower crime rate
Initiate a "seniors property tax credit"
Fix lead water pipe
Timely snow shoveling
Weekly garbage collecting
Bring 3,000 homeless Calgarians back home

Grace Yan

Grace Yan, Calgary, mayor,
Age: 50+
Political experience: Successful businessperson / entrepreneur
Professional experience: Commercial Broker / Agent / Negotiator
Education:  Mount Royal University / NAIT
How long have you lived in Calgary?  40+ Years
What is the first thing that comes to mind when you think of Calgary? Calgary as fulfilling a noble and resilient role as the defender of freedom and growth in a challenging time - and of the people of Calgary as confident, courageous and persevering.
Favourite Calgary location/landmark? Saddledome
Favourite dish from a local restaurant? Sea Bass at Alloy Restaurant
Name a Calgarian you admire and briefly explain why: Irene Besse – she is a talented pianist, strong and successful businesswoman, and truly a kind human being.  She is the Founder of Irene Besse Keyboards and played, taught and sold pianos all over the world until retiring in 2012.  She remains actively involved in the music sector and numerous philanthropic and volunteer roles in Calgary.
Biggest issue Calgary currently faces? I am hearing the biggest concerns from Calgarians in resurrecting the economy and getting people back to work.  Also transparency, accountability and collaboration is what Calgarians want to see.
If elected, what are the three policy items you would pursue first?
Resurrecting the Economy
Tax Reduction / Incentives
Support for Programs for a safe Calgary and that all Calgarians are taken care of
Describe your platform in 280 characters or fewer:
What I bring to the table is my strong ability to achieve consensus and my strong negotiation skills required to negotiate with Provincial and Federal Government to advocate for what we need in Calgary.
It’s not all about the business, I believe that we have an obligation to support seniors, the vulnerable, and mental health.  I believe that health is our wealth….(Editor's note: full response exceeded character limit)

*NOTE: CTV News did not receive questionnaire response from the following candidate:

Stan the Man Waciak